How to Use Castile Soap for Laundry, Plus Mistakes to Avoid

<p>Cris Cantón / Getty Images</p>

Cris Cantón / Getty Images

For a more eco-friendly alternative to commercial laundry detergent, look to castile soap for laundry. This old-school cleaning solution is an effective way to wash your laundry without all of the added chemicals that you could find in store-bought detergents.

Why don't more people use castile soap for laundry? The idea of using a traditional soap that has to be diluted could be intimidating, but it's actually incredibly easy. Learn how to use castile soap in your laundry, as well as mistakes to avoid.

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What Is Castile Soap and What Does It Do?

Castile soap's origins go back to olive oil soaps made in Spain; now, it is a gentle soap that is made from 100% vegetable oils, rather than animal fats, which make up many commercial soaps. It is crafted into grated bar or liquid forms and made entirely from natural ingredients, including olive, almond, or coconut oil and lye.

Because it is made from natural ingredients, castile soap is seen as a gentler, greener alternative to commercial detergents.

"It's biodegradable and doesn't harm the environment like traditional laundry detergents," says Maria Mooney, the cleaning expert at Truly Free, a non-toxic cleaning product brand.

"Castile soap doesn't contain synthetic chemicals or phosphates commonly found in commercial laundry detergents and it's less harmful to aquatic ecosystems," says Angela Brown, the host of the Ask a House Cleaner YouTube show.

Even with its natural and gentle ingredients, it's still an effective cleaner that is popular to use as an alternative to store-bought laundry detergent.

Why Should You Use Castile Soap for Laundry?

Castile soap is not only eco-friendly, but it is also one of the most friendly detergent options for people who suffer from skin irritation due to allergies. It's also a gentle soap that is wonderful for washing the most delicate fabrics. You can use it for machine washing or hand-washing silk, wool, cashmere, and other fabrics that could be damaged by a harsher commercial detergent.

"Many parents prefer using castile soap for washing baby clothes due to its mild nature, which is less likely to irritate a baby's sensitive skin," Brown says.

How to Use Castile Soap

Castile soap is highly concentrated in its grated or liquid form, so it must be diluted before using it as a detergent. Use one-third to half a cup of castile soap per normal load. If a load is particularly grimy, you can add half a cup of baking soda.

You can also make a diluted mixture to keep on hand, using one part castile soap to 10 parts water and adding essential oils, if desired. Wash the load of laundry as you would normally, adding half a cup of vinegar during the rinse cycle to cut any residue.

"You might also need to use a separate fabric softener if you want your laundry to come out softer, as castile soap doesn't have the same softening properties as some commercial detergents," Brown says.

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Castile Soap for Laundry

While using castile soap for laundry is an easy process, there are a few mistakes to avoid.

Using Too Much Soap

If you are using castile soap for laundry, only use the recommended amount, which is one third to half a cup of castile soap. Using more than that amount can leave a residue behind on clothing.

Mixing Castile Soap With Vinegar

"Castile soap and vinegar have different pH levels, and mixing them together can result in a curdled or separated mixture," Mooney says. "It's best to avoid combining these two ingredients."

However, you can add half a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle.

Not Pre-treating Stains

Castile soap may not be as effective at battling the toughest stains, so it may be necessary to treat strains with a commercial stain remover or a homemade stain remover before washing the effected items.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use castile soap in the washing machine?

Absolutely. You can use grated bar or liquid castile soap in the washing machine. It's an eco-friendly alternative to commercial detergent that won't harm your machine or your clothes.

Can you use castile soap to make laundry detergent?

A mixture of castile soap and water makes an effective laundry detergent. Use one part castile soap to 10 parts water and store in a container. You can add essential oils to give it a pleasant fragrance, however, castile soap on its own should have little fragrance.

How much castile soap do I need for a load of laundry?

For a normal load of laundry, use one third to half a cup of castile soap.

Read Next: 7 Top Types of Laundry Detergent and How to Choose

Read the original article on The Spruce.