17 Stomach-Turning Photos That'll Launch You Into An Existential Crisis

1.This proof of an alien invasion (JK it's just cranes):

large cranes that looks like it has 5 feet

2.This horrifyingly large goldfish:

large goldfish the size of the person holding it up

3.These octopus kites that make me feel all sorts of uncomfortable:

large kites in the shape of octopus

4.This model of a prehistoric crocodile head that's the size of a car:

large skull and graphic showing how large the crocodile would've been

5.This astronaut floating into oblivion:

astronaut looking like a spec in the sky

6.This worker looking REAL tiny next to an enormous crane hook:

person looking up at the huge crane

7.This god-sized statue in India:

the statue as tall as skyscrapers
Kiran Kumar Khurana / Alamy Stock Photo

8.This mushroom cloud from an explosion that sent shivers down my spine:

large cloud in the form of a mushroom

9.This photo of where the desert meets the ocean in Namibia:

from sand to water

10.This ginormous statue of Takashi Murakami in Qatar:

real-life looking statue in a sitting position

11.These colossal doors:

people standing in front of the large doors

12.This woman who looks like she's about to fall off the edge of the world:

steps so steep it looks like you'll fall straight down

13.These clouds that look like a tsunami:

clouds that look like water hovering over a road

14.This view from the bottom of a salt mine:

  u/Rinkytinktinky / Via reddit.com

15.This truck carrying an even bigger truck:

truck towing a very large truck with two large tires sandwiching the truck in the front

16.This "literal big picture":

a large frame towering into the sky

17.And finally, this snail the size of a bunny rabbit:

a large snail sitting in the hand of someone

H/T: r/megalophobia