Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for September

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • September 4: Venus enters Virgo

  • September 9: Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra

  • September 10: Full Moon in Pisces

  • September 22: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox

  • September 22: Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra

  • September 23: Mercury Retrograde enters Virgo

  • September 25: New Moon in Libra

  • September 29: Venus enters Libra

Somehow September is already here, Capricorn! You’re ready to take a risk as the month begins, and Venus enters Virgo on September 4. The planet of love is in a very philosophical house in your birth chart, opening up questions about the inner workings of the universe and connecting you deeper with your belief system. Adventure, travel, and trying news things are also on your mind. This is a wonderful time to sign up for a class or plan a trip. Let your curiosity guide you.

Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra on September 9, causing some pause in your career. What is the best way to move forward? Are the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year still aligned with your life? At work, you might be experiencing some back-and-forth about a potential promotion or raise. Is your true value being recognized? It’s time to ask yourself the serious questions–your destiny depends on it!

A Full Moon in Pisces on September 10 brings some much-needed information to light. With the Moon mingling so gently with spiritual Neptune, this piece of information could appear in a dream or from your intuition. Neptune can also over-idealize things, so something may seem too good to be true. Free advice: Wait for more info to come to light before you to take action.

Your desire to learn something new may receive some criticism from others on September 16 as Venus in Virgo squares off against Mars in Gemini. Your daily grind can also feel like it’s getting in the way of your grand plans. In astrology, squares (a 90-degree angle made between planets) create tension, which in turn inspires us to act. Consider what adjustments could be made until you feel like some sort of compromise is reached. Don’t limit your potential based on your circumstances.

The Sun enters Libra and the Fall Equinox arrives on September 22. As the Sun moves through the highest point of your birth chart, people of importance are taking notice of you. Keep up the hard work, because recognition is around the corner. You will start to experience some support when you need it most. If you’re ready to take the next step in your career, the Sun in Libra may encourage you to apply for a promotion or a new role at another company. You’re in demand! The Fall Equinox marks a halfway point in the astrological year. This reminds you that it’s important to reflect on your accomplishment and be in awe of how far you’ve come. Celebrate yourself somehow, even if it’s just with a cupcake! You deserve it.

On the same day, the Sun and Mercury meet up in the sky at the same point, forming a cazimi. Breaking news arrives under cazimis, and in your case it will have to do with your career, desire for others’ approval, or reputation. Stay open to signs and messages–the universe is whispering to you.

Mercury Retrograde re-enters Virgo on September 23. If you’ve been learning a new skill or hobby, you may be reconsidering if it’s still worth pursuing. Perhaps this deep dive helped you realize a different area of interest that’s calling to you. Projects can experience delays when Mercury moves through this part of your chart. If you’re traveling, for the love of the stars, pad in extra time during your commute!

A New Moon in Libra delivers a fresh opportunity to rethink your career and reputation. Release what no longer feels aligned–you’re back at the drawing board and excited about this revamp. You might be starting a new job right now, or maybe your boss entrusted you with a new project that requires a lot of responsibility. Others can see your value, but are you able to celebrate yourself, too?

Venus, the planet of love and harmony, enters Libra on September 29. Venus is a planet of blessings and good fortune. When it moves through the top of your chart, people in positions of power are eager to collaborate and recognize your gifts. Work in general should be calmer and more easy-going during this time. If you’re gearing up to launch a project, your charm is sky-high. Attract and allure as you please!

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