Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for November

Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for NovemberHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • November 8: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

  • November 15: Venus enters Sagittarius

  • November 17: Mercury enters Sagittarius

  • November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius

  • November 23: New Moon in Sagittarius

  • November 23: Jupiter goes direct in Pisces

You often feel more social during Scorpio season, Capricorn. Connecting with your community and networking are two of your favorite pastimes right now. The month kicks off with a shocking surprise on November 5 when Venus in Scorpio stares down Uranus in Taurus. A dream or goal may materialize today! You may also learn unexpected news about a friend or lover, or someone in your network may connect you with a person who can help you achieve your goals.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 delivers a more serious vibe. Dramatic changes and release takes place around romance, joy, children, and creativity. Ask yourself: When was the last time you truly embodied and experienced pleasure? Why does it feel so far away? This is a time to reprioritize hobbies and activities that feed your flame.

Supportive news arrives from one of your allies on November 10 as Venus in Scorpio meets with Neptune in Pisces. You’re full of love and gratitude for the people in your life. Someone throw your name into the running for a project that feeds your soul. Healing conversations with friends can fill you with a sense of peace. The Sun in Scorpio has a tough conversation with Saturn in Aquarius on November 11, and you may be feeling like you’re stuck between a rock and hard place when it comes to your finances. This could be a wake-up call to spend more time on your budget. Ideological differences between you and groups you’re a part of could also show up. This is a reminder to set boundaries around your time and resources.

Some sweet relief arrives on November 15 when Venus in Scorpio hooks up with Jupiter in Pisces. You’ll experience luck thanks to your community, and a dream may finally materialize! Later in the day, Venus enters Sagittarius, and you’re ready to turn up the heat behind closed doors. You’re relishing the connections where you feel safe enough to share your secrets and vulnerabilities. You may also feel called to hone a spiritual practice. Keep an eye out for secret admirers and people who feel like they’re in competition with you. A little jealousy and gossip could show up today.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Sagittarius on November 17. As Mercury travels through a more private area of your chart, you’re reminded of the power of saying no and honoring your rest. You may be revisiting the past and finally feel ready to extend forgiveness to yourself or others. This is an opportunity to sift through your subconscious. What patterns or behaviors are ready to be released? You’re ready to free yourself from pieces of the past that are limiting you in some way. Mercury and Venus, both in Sagittarius, meet at the same point in the sky on November 21. Fortune news arrives in the form of a dream, during meditation, or as a sign from the universe. You receive acknowledgment that you are on the right path. Keep pursuing and trusting it.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22. Say goodbye to Scorpio season 2022 and hello to Sagittarius season 2022! For the next four weeks, you’re looking out for yourself and your rest. Listen to your body and slow down! Cancel your plans! Take a nap!

The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 marks a new beginning around spiritual practices. Today's energy can also have your intuition zeroing in on memories or feelings that have been ignored or repressed. This part of your life is being illuminated so you can realign with your path in a constructive way. Someone may entrust you with a big secret, or perhaps you’re just simply eager to incorporate more solo time in your schedule. Healing energy is in the sky, but first you must face what you've been storing in our subconscious. Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the same day, and any projects or conversations that have suffered from delays, setbacks, or misunderstandings begin to clear up. Inspiring conversations can take place that leave you feeling full of hope and promise.

The month ends with a dose of drama on November 29 when Mercury in Sagittarius kicks rocks at Mars retrograde in Gemini. Don’t beat yourself up! It’s easy to give a microphone to the meanest voice in your head and fill your mind with critical thoughts. If you’ve been feeling a little more anxious than normal, this is a reminder to rebalance your routine. Spend some time alone, reflect on your wins, drink lots of water, and don’t be afraid to say no. Slowing down is key.

The following day, Venus in Sagittarius mingles with Mars Retrograde and you’re feeling like letting your cravings lead the way. You may be torn between some of your responsibilities and your need for rest. If you can’t take a sick day to focus on you, try setting a timer for 45 minutes and do your work in bursts. Those 15 minutes of downtime will feel like heaven.

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