Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for February

Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for FebruaryHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • February 5: Full Moon in Leo

  • February 11: Mercury enters Aquarius

  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces

  • February 19: New Moon in Pisces

  • February 19: Venus enters Aries

You’re more practical than ever during Aquarius season, Capricorn. Your focus is on your finances, resources, work, and your comfort. You may be working on a big project in your career or applying for a new role or promotion. This is an aligned time to revisit your budget and reflect on your relationship to security. You may feel a break from the norm and the urge to indulge on February 3 when the Sun in Aquarius interacts with Uranus in Taurus. Treat yourself, but make sure you will still have enough to pay your bills at the end of the month! Conflicts and quarrels mark the day on February 4 when Venus in Pisces tussles with Mars in Gemini. Words can cut deeper than normal—choose them wisely. This is a day of airing grievances and frustrations—whether you’re the one doing it or someone is confiding in you. It’s also a hectic day, which can leave you feeling more pressured and stressed. Try your best to not overbook yourself.

The Full Moon in Leo has a main character moment on February 5 and asks you to reflect on your connections with others. Are there relationships in your life where you feel like you owe someone something? This Full Moon may be asking you to break free from any signs of ~entanglement~. On a practical level, you may be paying off debts, signing contracts, or engaging in healing work. The moonlight hits your financial axis, so you may also be learning more about your spending habits and adjusting them accordingly. Mercury and Pluto link up in your sign on February 10, creating an intensely introspective mood. This is your phoenix moment! You’re unable to avoid your fixations, obsessions, compulsions, and bad habits. Acknowledging them makes them lose some of their power. Extend yourself compassion as you recognize what belongs in the past.

Mercury, the planet of information and communication, enters Aquarius on February 11, bringing news about your career, resources, or income. Now is the time to advocate for a raise or consider a new role at work. If a new position isn’t a priority, you’re becoming more on top of your budget. This is a great time to work on your self-worth, too. Practice some positive affirmations in the mirror! Venus in Pisces meets with Neptune in Pisces on February 15, bringing either divine downloads or sweet and romantic news. There is compassion in our conversations that take place today. Don’t be afraid to speak from the heart. The Sun and Saturn meet in Aquarius on February 16, asking you to get more serious about setting limits with your spending.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18 and the cosmic pace picks up! This Pisces season, you're busier than usual—from social events to running errands, your schedule is jam-packed. This energy also encourages you to express yourself. Use your voice!

The New Moon in Pisces on February 19 brings new information your way and encourages you to engage in meaningful conversations. Insight and new ideas may arrive under this lunation, so take time to journal, meditate, or talk out possibilities with friends. This could also mark the start of learning something new.

The astrological grand finale of the month takes place on February 21 when Mercury in Aquarius brushes up against Uranus in Taurus. You may receive some unexpected funds or make an impulsive purchase. You’re going against the grain in your relationships and you're more eager for experimentation, as well. Feel free to leave your comfort zone behind you!

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