Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for February

Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for February

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • Feb. 1: New Moon in Aquarius

  • Feb. 3: Mercury Direct in Capricorn

  • Feb. 4: Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

  • Feb. 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

  • Feb. 16: Full Moon in Leo

  • Feb. 17: Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

  • Feb. 18: Pisces season begins

  • Feb. 24: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

No one’s had it tougher than you this past year, Capricorn, but calmer waters are on the horizon! The month kicks off with a New Moon in Aquarius on February 1. This lunation activates your 2nd house of income, resources, and self worth. A fresh start is around the corner in these areas of your life, but you may be struggling to integrate some of your passions and whether or not you can make an earning from them. This New Moon is having a strained conversation with Uranus in Taurus, which can cause some disruption. You may have vivid financial goals and visions, but it’s important to remind yourself that you can’t sacrifice your creativity and playful side. Strive to find a balance.

All systems are a go on February 3 when Mercury (finally!!!) moves direct in Capricorn. Mercury has been retrograding through your 1st house of self and identity. This also activates your relationship axis. Exes and ghosts from the past may have been ever-present recently. You can kiss them and the lessons associated with them goodbye—you’ve officially leveled up! On February 4, the Sun and Saturn, your planetary ruler, co-mingle, inviting you to start a fresh cycle around your finances. Financial responsibility isn’t sexy to most people, but not you! Be mindful and thoughtful with your money. Money is energy. Use it wisely. One final dramatic piece of information arrives on February 11 when Mercury and Pluto meet in Capricorn. This interaction can cause you to confront hidden parts of yourself or reveal secrets about yourself to others. This is a cosmic reclaiming of your story and narrative. Take your power back.

On February 16, the Full Moon in Leo brings the drama and activates your 8th house of your psyche, shared resources, taxes, and more. This brings a culmination, and it can be an exhausting time if you’ve been exploring your relationship with intimacy and letting others in. Take time out of your schedule for rest and to fully feel what’s coming up for you. This Full Moon is in a conversation with the Nodes of Destiny, adding a fated element to all happenings. On February 17, Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus meet up in a rare conversation and deliver a dose of luck! You may receive wonderful news about a romantic connection or be hit with some creative inspiration. Prioritize your passions today.

The energy shifts as the Sun enters Pisces on February 18, and your schedule begins filling up. This is a busy time for you—Pisces season activates your 3rd house of communication, learning, local community, and siblings. You may be buzzing around from one engagement to the next, but you’re eager to connect with others and dialogue as much as possible. Investing in your learning becomes even more important.

Finally, on February 24, Mercury in Aquarius has a stand-off with Uranus in Taurus. There could be a clash between your values and the values of a romantic partner. Shocking words are exchanged and emotions are heightened. Do your best to take your time to process before reacting.

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