Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for April

Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for AprilHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • April 3: Mercury enters Taurus

  • April 6: Full Moon in Libra

  • April 10: Venus enters Gemini

  • April 11: Sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries

  • April 20: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

  • April 20: Sun enters Taurus

  • April 21: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

You’ve been spending time at home and loving it, Capricorn! Aries season invites you to turn inward, focus on self-soothing, and spending time with family or alone. You’ll be grateful you did once Taurus season comes around because it’s full steam ahead, bringing a boost of energy and desire for more fun and risk!

The month starts off with promising news arriving on April 3 when Mercury enters Taurus. Today’s the day to let your creative juices flow. You may also be more focused on hobbies and activities that bring you joy. Spend your time engaging in activities that make you feel like you’re truly alive.

The Full Moon in Libra lights up the sky early on April 6 and brings attention to your public and private lives. This may mark a culmination or turning point in your career or public reputation. You may be wrapping up a major project, achieving a milestone, or receiving some sort of promotion or recognition. Shifts within your living environment or family may also be unfolding around this time. This Full Moon can feel personal and like it's unearthing some pain from your past. Listen to your intuition and care for yourself as needed. Your words are sweeter than normal on April 7 when Venus in Taurus meets with Neptune in Pisces. Compassionate energy flows in all of your relationships and others are better able to understand where you're coming from. Leading with your heart today can forge deeper bonds...and sexier times between the sheets.

Venus enters Gemini on April 10 and it may be time for you to spend a little quality time tending to your daily routine. If you’re working on a big project, compromise and understanding among teammates flows. You may feel more productive and receive support where you normally received opposition. In love, this is a time where you really appreciate the little things–like an unloaded dishwasher out of the blue, or a surprise cookie from the grocery stores. The smallest actions could make someone’s day–and yours! The Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Aries team up at the same point in the sky on April 11 and bring exciting news about your family or living situation. Are you moving? Are you trying to conceive? Adopting a puppy? This may also coincide with an exciting career breakthrough or lifelong milestone. Whatever it is, there is cause to celebrate.

Some bad news arrives on April 14, or a petty argument may surface—but it's nothing you can’t handle! The mood is somber and people are feeling less than generous, so it’s best to save your requests for another day. You may also just feel overworked or exhausted. Rest is on the menu!

The New Moon solar eclipse in Aries unfolds in the sky just past midnight Eastern Time on April 20, marking the second New Moon in Aries this year! This brings your attention back to your home and family. Fate and destiny take over and major shifts and new beginnings can be taking place in this area of your life. The Sun enters Taurus later on April 20, bringing more exuberant energy to your chart. This Taurus season, you’re ready to spend your time and energy focusing on activities that light your soul on fire. Let your inner child or teen take over. What would make them the most happy and proud? On the same day, the Sun in Taurus grinds up against Pluto in Aquarius, which can stir up feelings of control, fixation, and power. You may be reconsidering the way you use your resources.

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus kicks off on April 21, bringing some delays or setbacks to creative projects. Romantic entanglements from the past also come up for revision—hello exes! If you feel like you’ve lost sight of your ability to live in the present, this retrograde may be just what you need to reconnect with a gratitude practice. On April 29, Mars in Cancer meets with Uranus in Taurus, and some exciting and unexpected events may take place regarding your relationships. There is also forward movement in contracts and collaborative projects. You may shock yourself and others today, but luckily risks are welcomed under this planetary pairing!

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