Capricorn—Your February Horoscope Wants You to Expect the Unexpected in Your Love Life

A busy bee you will be this month, Capricorn. Your Capricorn horoscope for February 2023 wants you to get ready for a booked schedule, because your world is about to start moving a lot faster.

Saturn—your ruling planet—closes in on the Sun as of February 16, and the headline is hard work, discipline and patience. You will likely receive some recognition or take on some new responsibility. Either way, it’s time to simplify your way of working and release the things that are no longer serving you in achieving your goals. If you have been working hard already, Saturn will show you how the steps you’ve taken laid the foundation for the future. If things seem to be falling apart, Saturn may be telling you to change your course of action. Listen intently, plan ahead and act accordingly!

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With Mars in your sixth house of work, you have energy to spare as you take charge of your daily duties and apply yourself. It may be difficult to work with others harmoniously as Mars tends to make us easily frustrated and quick to anger. Find a constructive way to use this excess energy by focusing on smaller projects or channeling it into physical activity. On February 4, driven Mars and romantic Venus will work together to inspire you to experiment and innovate when it comes to your work. If there is a more efficient or more creative way of doing something, you will discover it. In the process, you may discover new parts of yourself you didn’t even know were there.

Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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Meanwhile, eccentric and rebellious Uranus is still moving through your fifth house of creativity and romance. Expect the unexpected with this energy. Surprises and new developments in your love life will likely come into play. Perhaps even some unconventional people or relationships will develop. You will be craving some freedom and may find yourself embracing an unexpected spontaneity when it comes to your private life. On February 8, Venus smiles on Uranus and asks you to break up the old routines and welcome the emerging desires within you. Whatever your relationship status, you are ready to have some fun! So, get ready to work hard and play just as hard this month, Capricorn!

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