This Caprese Chicken Grilled Cheese Is How Grown-Ups Should Eat Grilled Cheese

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

From Delish


I love nostalgic foods, and grilled cheese sandwiches pretty much take the cake. They remind me of summer camp, school day lunches, snow days, and everyone's favorite culinary combination, grilled cheese and tomato soup. Is there anything more perfect than a super dreamy, ultra toasty, cheesy sandwich soaked in rich tomato flavor? If there is, I haven't tasted it yet.

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

While the Caprese Chicken Grilled Cheese isn't quite as classic as the grilled cheese and tomato soup pairing, it does have the same tomato-y touch that I loved so much growing up, and then some! Think fresh basil, perfectly cooked chicken, and more butter than should ever be allowed in one sandwich. In the words of Beyonce, "I ain't sorry."

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

The best news about this sandwich is that it totally captures that tough-to-beat quality of 'faux-fancy.' Translation: people are going to think you're a way better cook than you really are when you serve this to them. All the wow, with half the work. What's better than that?

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin


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