Cape Town Man Tragically Dies While Surfing in South Africa

A member of the South African surf community has tragically passed away.

Cape Town resident Daniel John Lurie died Monday while surfing at Seal Point in Cape St. Francis, just a short distance from Jeffrey's Bay. He was 30 years old.

According to reports, Lurie was pulled to shore by other surfers after they noticed him "flailing in the water." After emergency services performed CPR, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Herald Live posted the story above today.

The National Sea Rescue Institute's (NSRI) St Francis Bay station commander, Sarah Smith, told the newspaper:

“On NSRI members arriving at the scene, we found a doctor assisting Kouga lifeguards and public members conducting CPR efforts on a man.

“NSRI medics and paramedics assisted with the CPR efforts on the scene."

In a press release, the NSRI said that Lurie's body was taken into the care of Government Health Forensic Pathology Services and that police have opened "an inquest docket."

Lurie's family "were cared for on the scene by a trauma counsellor," the NSRI reported.

According to the story, "Smith praised the surfers for assisting Lurie after noticing he was in distress."

According to SA Venues, "Seal Point is a consistent, exposed point break that remains quiet and peaceful all year round. The surfing conditions are best when there is a north-westerly blowing and a swell that is south-southeast. The international surfing destination of Jeffrey’s Bay is only a short drive away."

This is a developing story.

Rest in peace, Daniel.


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