I'm Dying Laughing At These Incredibly Awkward First Date Stories That Go From Bad To Worse

1.The bread date:

reddit comment reading i once saw a guy shake his dates hand when she reached over to grab some bread

2.The gas date:

date where someone farts and gets ghosted

3.The sipping date:

guy on a date who sips weird

4.The salad date:

date where someone eaats salad with their hands

5.The wandering date:

date where someone suggests a second date and someone else. says there won't be one

6.The movie theater date:

two people go to a movie and don't sit togettheer and leave

7.The mystery date:

person who eats with their date in silence the date leaves and they find out it wasn't their date

8.The parking date:

tweet reading my date let me. out of the car to waiit on the curb while she parallel parked after 3 attempts she drove off

9.The stomach ache date:

date where someone lets out a big fart

10.The 15 minute date:

date where someone makes a joke and the other person leaves

11.The mountain date:

tweet about someone getting lose on a firrst date and tthey have to be rescued

12.The double date:

date where someone realizes the boy's dad is daating theirr mom

13.The cropped date:

youtube comment about getting cropped out of a photo

14.The funeral home date:

date where someone shares what makeup techniques they use on dead bodies

15.The shots date:

date where the man falls asleep

16.The Gordon date:

tweet about someone sending a close up of gordon ramsay's forehead instead of a nude

17.The sushi date:

date where someone orders way too much sushi

18.The two timin' date:

date where someone has two first dates at once

19.The eye contact date:

tweet about someone making eye contact and waving during oral sex

20.The escape date:

date where one person tries to escape out a window

21.The zodiac date:

date where someone leaves because of a zodiac sign

22.The seating date:

date where someone sits next to the wrong pererson in the ttheater

23.The wine date:

someone pronounces wines weird

24.The dessert date:

date where someone brings up a macabre awkward fact

25.The tortilla chip date:

date where a woman throws up on herself

26.The dad date:

person goes to the movies with the girl's dad behind them the whole time

27.The McDonalds date:

date where someone leaves and then seees the person who ditched them

28.The tiramisu date:

date where someone makes an unfunny joke and never gets texted back

29.And the breakup date:

tweet reading i broke up with my girlfriend at a restaurant and she started crying, everyone thought i had proposed so they started clapping