I Can't Stop Laughing At These Hilariously Awkward Conversations Parents Have Had With Their Kids

1.The "would you rather" convo:

A 7-year-old asks "Would you rather be a famous hockey player or be stuck in a Coke bottle?"

2.The leg convo:

3.The toast convo:

4.The kiss convo:

Kid who kisses a person every day says that will keep the person alive, until one day they don't kiss the person and are surprised the person is alive

5.The nose convo:

6.The nighttime convo:

7.The apartment convo:

Kid asks someone who says they don't have any children so they're not a mom, "Why? You're old"

8.The FaceTiming convo:

9.The perish convo:

10.The walls convo:

Child asks tour guide if they've ever killed someone and are there bodies in the walls

11.The squeal convo:

12.The country convo:

Two kids discuss which country is the biggest and one says that only God knows what it is because they're all big

13.The report card convo:

14.The inside convo:

15.The emergency convo:

Kid gets called to the principal's office because he draws a picture of his family snorkeling, but it looks like they are blazing weed

16.The toaster convo:

Kid argues because she wants toast but doesn't want her parent to put bread in the toaster

17.The tattoo convo:

Kid asks someone if they have to put their tattoos on every day

18.The school convo:

19.The pope convo:

Kid cries because he thinks the pope's funeral is Santa's funeral

20.The hangman convo:

21.The lasagna convo:

22.The fireworks convo:

23.The eating convo:

24.The hog convo:

25.The teeth convo:

26.The Itchy Man convo:

Kid pretending to be a superhero who throws balls of itchy stuff at his enemies: "Hey, bad guy, look out! I got itchy balls"

27.The searching convo:

28.The hiding convo:

29.The growing-up convo:

Kid afraid of growing up because he was scared to drink coffee

30.The bat convo:

31.The raccoon convo:

Kid cries on Christmas Eve because a dead raccoon she saw in the road can't celebrate Christmas

32.The meat convo:

Kid confusing "vegetarian" and "virgin" and saying they're not a virgin

33.The hide-and-seek convo:

Kid playing hide-and-seek answers the question "Where are you?" with "I'm right heeere!" and gives up where they're hiding

34.The service convo:

A kid who didn't know the difference between a veteran and a veterinarian thanked the vet who put their dog down for her service

35.The sun convo:

36.The dinner convo:

37.The bleach convo:

38.The toast convo:

39.The counting convo:

6-year-old asks their dad how long it takes to count to a million and then asks, "What if I start at 100?"

40.The fart convo:

Toddler having a breakdown because they fart and apparently they were saving that fart for later

41.The coffee convo:

42.The Christmas convo:

43.The smell convo:

44.The drain convo:

6-year-old reveals they put a screwdriver down the sink, which is why it's clogged up, as their parent is putting Drano down the sink

45.The souvenir convo:

46.The mice convo:

Kid says they believe mice are real but they have friends who don't think mice exist

47.The emergency convo:

Parent asks child what they would do if they found the parent on the floor unconscious, and the child says "I would go into the kitchen and eat anything I want"

48.The bedtime convo:

A child gets up after going to bed and asks if a duck is a predator

49.The salty convo:

kid who puts salt in their cereal

50.The crying convo:

51.The table convo:

52.The salary convo:

53.The Target convo:

Kid tells someone in a restaurant that her mother stole her dress from Target

54.The Disney convo:

Funny conversation about a kid being tricked into going to Disney while thinking it's just a very long drive home from school

55.The punch convo:

56.The chicken convo:

57.The quesadilla convo:

Child eats almost all of a chicken-and-cheese quesadilla and then has a fit because she realizes it's not a pancake and thinks her parent lied to her

58.The scale convo:

Child thinks a scale tells you how much you cost

59.The air convo:

60.And the confetti convo:

A child says they always carry confetti for emergency celebrations