"You Can't Ride Those In Here"- Mountain Biker Confronts Electric Dirt Bikers

Surrons riding mountain bike trails. At this point, it is an all too familiar tale.

These electric dirt bikes are a common sight on trails and in parks these days. Do they have a right to be there?

Watch this video where these Surron riders demonstrate that they not only disregarded the legality of their being on these trails but they also did not know common trail etiquette for who has the right of way.

In this video, the Surrons approach a mountain biker who reminds them that climbers have the right of way and that motorized vehicles are not allowed on that trail system. The Surron riders then say nothing and instead insert text on the video calling the mountain biker a "Karen" and saying that he was wrong about the right of way.

At this rate, almost every Surron page on YouTube has a handful of videos flaunting their negative interactions with other people out recreating.

It is so common that it begs the question: If enough people are telling you you're in the wrong, are they the Karen or are you?

Related: "You're Not Supposed To Be Riding Here"- Cyclist Confronts Electric Dirt Bike Rider

The problem lies in that Surron and other throttled electric bike riders try to lump themselves in with Class 1 E-bikes and access the same areas when they are completely different machines.

There is nothing inherently wrong with Surrons, they are energy-efficient electric dirt bikes that can be ridden and enjoyed in any place a regular gas-powered motorcycle can be. So, what is the point of going places they aren't supposed to be when there is so much out there to explore that they can go without getting hassled constantly?

Surrons trespassing and continuing to misnomer themselves as mountain bikers is incredibly detrimental to actual mountain bikers. It makes it harder to lobby for expanded access and development for both analog and E-bikes.

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