"Anxiety Isn't Intuition," And 19 Other Pieces Of Life Advice Women Are Saying Will Always Stick With Them

There's nothing better than a great piece of advice or a good quote that really speaks to your life. Honestly, any words of wisdom people may have to get through this beautiful and difficult thing we call life will always have my attention.

Willa from "Succession" saying "ahh! so much advice!"
Willa from "Succession" saying "ahh! so much advice!"

HBO / Via giphy.com

So, when u/squirrellyhehefeind posed the question, "What's a mantra or phrase you once heard or read and stick by till this day?" to the r/AskWomen community on Reddit, women began to respond with tons of insightful quotes:

1."Don't react; respond."

Barbara from "Abbott Elementary" taking a deep breath
Barbara from "Abbott Elementary" taking a deep breath

ABC / Via giphy.com


2."No matter how much you know, what you say is as much as the other person understands."


3."The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself."

Kris Jenner saying "be the best version of yourself that you can be"
Kris Jenner saying "be the best version of yourself that you can be"

MasterClass / Via giphy.com


4."Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


5."Anxiety isn’t intuition."

Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana with her hand on her forehead
Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana with her hand on her forehead

Neon / Via giphy.com


6."Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. They're filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives."


7."Nothing in nature blooms all year round; why should you?"

a tree changing as the seasons pass
a tree changing as the seasons pass

University of Bergamo / Via giphy.com


8."People can only meet you as far as they’ve met themselves."


9."When you know what you value, hard decisions are easy to make."

Lady Gaga saying "values, morals, your ethics, your code"
Lady Gaga saying "values, morals, your ethics, your code"

Apple Music / Via giphy.com


10."You can't pour from an empty cup."


11."Communication won't help when the other person doesn't even care to hear you."

Aubrey Plaza saying "I wasn't listening to anything you just said"
Aubrey Plaza saying "I wasn't listening to anything you just said"

NBC / Via giphy.com


12."If you wouldn’t take their advice, then don’t take their criticism."


13."Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm."

Daria looking straightforward with fire flames going in the lens of her glasses
Daria looking straightforward with fire flames going in the lens of her glasses

MTV / Via giphy.com


14."Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past."


15."This isn't happening to you; it's happening for you."

crying lady nodding her head and wiping her tears
crying lady nodding her head and wiping her tears

MTV / Via giphy.com


16."You get more flies with honey than vinegar."


17."It is never too late to have a happy childhood."

Anime children running through a meadow and laughing
Anime children running through a meadow and laughing

Anime Limited / Via giphy.com


18."This, too, shall pass"


19."You can be the sweetest, ripest, and most delicious peach on the tree, but there will always be someone out there who doesn't like peaches."

woman saying "your loss, boo"
woman saying "your loss, boo"

Starz / Via giphy.com


And finally, this user shared a quote that perfectly sums up the life advice of all life advice:

20."I will not accept a life I do not deserve."

Celebrities clapping and cheering
Celebrities clapping and cheering

The Academy Awards / Via giphy.com


Do you have any advice that you've heard or read that really sticks with you? Feel free to share it in the comments below!