Can’t afford your wedding? Do like this couple and court corporate sponsors

Looking to offset their wedding costs, Jodi Gilbert and David Grzybowski are actively seeking sponsors “looking to get in on the fun.” (Photo: Instagram)
Looking to offset their wedding costs, Jodi Gilbert and David Grzybowski are actively seeking sponsors “looking to get in on the fun.” (Photo: Instagram)

Sports stadiums, NASCAR vehicles, product placement in your favorite movie franchise, virtually every celebrity post in your social media stream — there’s very little in our world today that isn’t touched by advertising. Inspired by all this, it seems, a Philadelphia couple is now seeking to offset their wedding costs by seeking sponsors. Nothing, it appears, can escape the reach of brand messaging, not even love.

“Once we started planning a wedding and saw how expensive it was, Jodi Gilbert and David Grzybowski explained to CBS Philly, “We thought, ‘Could we get sponsorships for our wedding?’”

Given the hypercommercialized and brand-heavy state of things today — particularly with always-on social media — it’s little wonder they thought of it. And other folks seem to think it’s a great notion, too. “That’s actually not a bad idea,” one woman on the street chimed in when the Philly TV station went out seeking opinions.

The couple, both 26 years old, have been together for seven years, and recent moves, family health challenges, and career changes have them looking for creative solutions to arrange the wedding of their dreams, they say.

As for how far they’re willing to go in sharing their marriage celebration with marketing, they told the Philadelphia Inquirer something along the lines of “company logos on every table, a decal on the dance floor, advertisements tucked into the wedding invitations — or, perhaps, a first dance brought to you by First Bank.”

Given the high average cost of weddings of late — $35,000, on average, according to some research — it’s perhaps understandable that some couples would look toward the deeper pockets of corporate sponsors to help underwrite their wedding dreams. Or, maybe they could have a cheaper wedding?

According to other research data, less expensive weddings may lead to happier marriages. Notably, a study published by Emory University in 2014 found that couples with weddings that cost more than $20,000 saw divorce rates 1.6 times higher than weddings that were in the $5,000 to $10,000 range. The study also found that couples who really cut things down — to the tune of $1,000 or less for the entire wedding — had a lower-than-average rate of divorce.

And if their campaign solicitations end up going nowhere? Gilbert and Grzybowski say they’ll go ahead with their wedding no matter what.

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