Your Canned Tomatoes Aren't Who They Say They Are

They're not all created equally.

If you’re a chef, an avid home cook, or if you grew up eating Italian-American food on a regular basis like me, chances are you’re well versed in the world of canned tomatoes. It’s a hot topic, to say the least. More particularly, you likely know all about the magical gift from the earth that is the San Marzano tomato. With their meaty texture, oval shape, and incredibly sweet flavor, San Marzano tomatoes are arguably the most highly praised tomatoes in the world. When you bite into a San Marzano, whether it be from the vine or a can, you just know.

Or do you?

A recent TikTok video shared by @sharedgoooods has viewers scratching their heads in disbelief, as the creator claims that the popularly purchased "San Marzano" canned tomato brand SMT, which is available in many grocery stores, is not, in fact, providing shoppers with true San Marzano tomatoes. “You’re actually just paying the San Marzano premium for a tomato that’s just a regular old tomato,” the creator claims. I couldn’t believe my ears or eyes. SMT was the canned San Marzano tomato brand we purchased in my home growing up for special occasions like holidays and birthdays. Once I watched this video, I knew I’d have to take a deeper look into this theory to see if it checks out.

What Are San Marzano Tomatoes, Exactly?

Simply stated, San Marzano tomatoes stand out from the rest. A prized ingredient imported from Italy, they are different from all the other types of tomatoes—praised by the masses for their special flavor. These beauties, known for their sweetness, are incredibly flavorful on the vine, which makes them extra special for canning as well. True San Marzanos are grown in Italy near Mount Vesuvius, where the soil is believed to give the tomatoes their robust sweetness, low acidity, and powerful tomato flavor.

When you spot a can of San Marzano tomatoes, it’s important to look closely and make sure the packaging also says "DOP Certified" on the label. DOP stands for the Italian phrase, "Denominazione d'Origine Protetta." Roughly translated, it means "protected designation of origin." Additionally, San Marzano refers to both the region of Italy these tomatoes are grown in and to the strain of tomato itself.

Not All Canned San Marzano Tomatoes Are the Real Deal

It’s true. The brand mentioned in the social media post, San Merican Tomatoes, does not distribute authentic San Marzano tomatoes, nor are they DOP. The craziest part about this realization is that, upon a deeper dive through the brand’s website, nowhere does it confirm or deny that San Merican Tomatoes does, in fact, distribute San Marzano tomatoes. While the implication that each can contains San Marzano tomatoes is conveyed by the packaging, can we really be justifiably upset as consumers? The majority of us have probably never thought twice about questioning the brand, with bright San Marzano-shaped tomatoes and that “SMT” brand abbreviation on each can. Well played, San Merican Tomatoes...Well played.

Nevertheless, ignorance truly is bliss. From a personal standpoint, this particular can of tomatoes always gives me a bit more excitement about cooking. The tomatoes may not be San Marzano, but they are still quality tomatoes that are well peeled, meaty, consistently shaped, and cook down into a beautiful, rich, almost buttery red sauce. I may feel a little bit like a chunk of my childhood has been a lie, but at the same time, I won’t hate on San Merican Tomatoes’ genius marketing tactics. Wait until I break this news to my mom.

Where to Find Real Deal DOP San Marzano Tomatoes

While variations of San Marzano tomatoes can be grown in the U.S., particularly in California, true San Marzano tomatoes can only come from the Agro Sarnese-Nocerino region of Italy. They will have a sweeter, more robust flavor, while their American counterparts will be a bit more acidic. Read on to discover some brands that are the real deal, DOP certified, San Marzano tomatoes.

  • Kirkland San Marzano Tomatoes with Basil (available at Costco)

  • Cento Certified San Marzano Tomatoes

  • Pastene San Marzano DOP Tomatoes

  • Rega San Marzano Tomatoes



How to Use San Marzano Tomatoes

Here are some recipe ideas for whenever you pick up those real-deal, DOP San Marzano tomatoes:

Read the original article on All Recipes.