Canned Quail Eggs Are A Thing, But How Should You Serve Them?

canned quail eggs
canned quail eggs - Oxanakhov/Shutterstock

If you're looking for an offbeat but delicious addition to your pantry, canned quail eggs are just the thing. Because they're boiled prior to canning, this staple of Thai cooking and many other cuisines can be enjoyed right out of the can.  When compared to fresh quail eggs, the canned variety is said to have a richer, earthier flavor, with fresh, grassy notes throughout. The yolks also impart a silky-smooth texture to dishes for a truly enjoyable culinary experience.

Canned quail eggs can also be added to salads, as they pair beautifully with fresh ingredients like cherry tomatoes, radicchio, cucumbers, and olives. To really bring out the richness of the quail eggs, consider dressing your salad with a combination of crème fraiche and lemon juice. In addition to salads, this ingredient can be used in a variety of dishes. Quail eggs can even make for a delicious appetizer inspired by a street food that's quite beloved in the Philippines and they also take center stage in a popular Korean dish.

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Quail Eggs Are Found In Many Cuisines

deep fried breaded quail eggs on skewers
deep fried breaded quail eggs on skewers - Facebook

Known as kwek-kwek, residents of the Philippines love snacking on deep-fried quail eggs, which feature a tasty orange breading and are often served alongside a dipping sauce consisting of vinegar and spices. Thanks to how they're prepared, using canned quail eggs in this dish spares you from needing to boil fresh quail eggs yourself, making it a delicious and convenient snack.

Similarly, replacing fresh eggs with canned is a great hack when preparing Korean braised quail eggs. By using the canned variety, you can sidestep the labor-intensive process of carefully peeling each egg, which allows you to get the delicious result that much faster. In this dish, eggs are submerged in a mixture of broth (typically made with kelp in traditional recipes), soy sauce, corn syrup, garlic, and red chili for a bit of heat. Quail eggs are the perfect vehicle for this delicious combination of ingredients, as they soak up the many rich flavors beautifully.

A Twist On The Classic Egg Salad Sandwich

toasted egg salad sandwiches on wooden board
toasted egg salad sandwiches on wooden board - Irina Taskova/Getty Images

When it comes to easy lunches, canned quail eggs are the perfect foundation for wholesome egg salad sandwiches. Because quail eggs have a higher concentration of yolk, using them in egg salad can help you achieve a soft and buttery texture. While texture is a key component to a perfect egg salad sandwich, more yolk also means you will enjoy a deeper, richer flavor profile.

Along with a satisfying flavor and texture, quail eggs also have much to offer when it comes to nutrition, which is crucial when you're seeking a well-balanced lunch that doesn't skimp on taste. Quail eggs contain an essential mix of important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A and B12, as well as selenium, iron, and phosphorus. These and other nutrients found in quail eggs support numerous bodily functions, including those related to the nervous system and thyroid. They also help you to metabolize food efficiently and offer a boost of energy. With so many great recipes calling for quail eggs, they're the perfect ingredient to keep in your kitchen.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.