Candide Thovex Once Again Breaks The Internet With Sand Dune Skiing Clip

Candide Thovex is back again with another mind-blower shared yesterday, October 4th.

The talented Frenchman's sporadic internet forays always take the skiing world by storm, and this video, featuring a high-speed descent down a dune on skis, is no different.

Tune in for some classic Candide action.

This video is emblematic of Candide's style, featuring high-speed riding across a surface that no one else would see and think, "Huh. I bet I could ski that."

It's also part of a larger project filmed for Audi that features Candide shredding dirt, grass, and the Great Wall of China.

I've got a lot of questions about the filming of this advertisement. What role did CGI play? Does Candide wax his skis a certain way to make them slide better on all the non-snow surfaces? And, most importantly, is Candide even human?

Okay, that last one's obviously a joke. But the fact remains: dirt skiing and its ilk aren't easy. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that they suck. Skis were made for snow. Nothing else. Full stop. But somehow, Candide makes turning yourself into a human ATV seem fun and approachable while putting on an incredible show.

That, I suppose, is the magic of Candide. He'll vanish for a month or two only to reappear and knock everything else in skiing out of the park -- a song and dance he's been running for the better part of two decades. At this rate, Candide will be throwing double backflips into his 60s.

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