Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for April

cancer zodiac sign
Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for AprilHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • April 3: Mercury enters Taurus

  • April 6: Full Moon in Libra

  • April 10: Venus enters Gemini

  • April 11: Sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries

  • April 20: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

  • April 20: Sun enters Taurus

  • April 21: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

You’re whistling while you work, Cancer! Your focus is on your highest ambitions, goals, or career during Aries season. You may finally be seeing some recognition for all of your hard work! Once Taurus season arrives, you’re ready to invite a little fun back into your life and spend some time socializing. The month starts off with exciting news about goals for your future on April 3 when Mercury enters Taurus. Mercury will go retrograde in Taurus later this month, so pay attention to what comes up for you on this day. It will foreshadow some of your Mercury Retrograde events. You may find your schedule is busier than normal with social events. Enjoy the ride and stay open-minded—you may be rubbing shoulders with someone with influence who could change your life!

The Full Moon in Libra on April 5 marks a turning point in your public and private life. Changes within your home and family environment may be taking place—perhaps you’re moving, adding to your family, or learning something new about a family member. At the same time, you could be experiencing a promotion or change in work. Promising and exciting news arrives on April 7 when Venus in Taurus meets with Neptune in Pisces. The atmosphere is romantic, creative, and compassionate. If you’re single, you may meet someone with potential at an event or through friends. Coupled Taurus may decide to plan a group date night. Venus enters Gemini on April 10, finding you feeling more imaginative than normal. Are you feeling lost in a dream world? Hidden desires may start to make themselves known to you as you feel more connected to your subconscious.

The Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Aries team up at the same point in the sky on April 11, bringing luck and fortune to your public life or career. Others are recognizing your gifts and finally rewarding you for them. Soak up the spotlight–you've worked so hard to reach this milestone! You may need to set better boundaries around your time and schedule on April 14, when Venus in Gemini clashes with Saturn in Pisces. If you’ve been overworking or overextending yourself, it might all be catching up to you. Slow down and don’t be afraid to say no.

A New Moon and solar eclipse in Aries darkens the skies just after midnight on April 20, Eastern Time, and marks a new beginning in your career or public image. Are you ready to go viral? Are you a lifelong milestone? You're planting seeds for the future today. Later in the day, the Sun enters Taurus and you have the dedication and determination to chase after your goals and dreams for the future. This Taurus season, spending time with groups of people who share similar interests also lights you up. Also today, the Sun in Taurus spars with Pluto in Aquarius, and some powerful people may be ready to invest in some of your ideas. You may also recognize unspoken dynamics within your social circle that you may feel called to address. On the bright side, you’re gaining power and influence!

You may be ready to release some old friendships once Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus on April 21. What connections make you feel seen and which leave you feeling bored, stagnant, or depleted? Don’t jump to any conclusions, but take your time to notice what comes up for you around your friendships during this retrograde cycle. The truth will be revealed in time. You may also be rethinking one of your long-term goals and find a new direction or path to pursue in the near future. A burst of energy arrives at the end of the month on April 29 when Mars in Cancer links up with Uranus in Taurus. You’re feeling inspired and innovative ideas may arrive. You’re ready to take action on something and show yourself to the world in a new way. Unexpected support may arrive, too. Go for it!

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