Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Get way more than *just* your horoscope in the brand-new astrology section that debuted in the March issue of Cosmo. Subscribe here.

Your Key Dates:

March 5: Listen to your brazen intuitions, be open to new friendships

March 6: Check in with your own perspective

March 20: Start hustling with intention

You usually don’t like to venture too far outside of your comfort zone, but lately you’ve been surprising yourself. You’re experimenting with food, texting new people-heck, you feel like you could hop on a plane and start a new adventure tomorrow! This brazen spirit suits you, Cancer, so don’t let the upcoming Mercury retrograde on March 5 kill your vibe. You may find yourself second-guessing yourself and it will be a bit frustrating, but through this experience, you’ll learn that life is never linear. Embrace the bumps and potholes. The minor discomfort you’re feeling will be worth it in the long run.

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

On March 6, Uranus moves into Taurus’ sky. This is a big deal, because it will stay there until 2026 and shift your perception of community. Over the next seven years, your entire social network will continue to radically transform. Uranus is all about rebellion and revolution so don’t be surprised if you attract eccentric people into your life. They may challenge your ideologies and encourage you to reexamine your existing relationships.

A new emotional cycle begins under March’s new moon in Pisces, beginning on March 6. It will promote personal growth and encourage you to check in with your thinking. Does your perspective reflect progress or are you stuck in the past? You aren’t still putting chunky blonde highlights in your hair, so don’t cling to conviction that’s just as outdated.

The sun drifts into Aries’ sky on March 20, beginning a new astrological season and kicking off the Spring Equinox (aka, cosmic New Year). The next four weeks are all about your hustle, so don’t be afraid to shine. Make sure your résumé is updated, your power suit is steamed, and your elevator pitch is solid. You may be gliding into that corner office faster than you can say “quarterly bonus,” Cancer love!

But, of course, with great power comes great responsibility. The full moon in Libra will create a radical opposition between your career and domestic zones on March 20, encouraging you to consider how your recent professional successes have impacted your home life. During this full moon, you’ll become extremely aware of the delicate balances and-perhaps, more importantly-imbalances in your life. The goal isn’t sacrifice; it’s compromise. You’re a manifester, and you *can* have it all if you master the art of organization.

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