Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Your Key Dates

  • August 15: Let things rot so other things can bloom

  • August 23: Check your mail, something is coming your way

  • August 30: Don’t lose the trust of your confidantes

Your birthday season coincided with Mercury Retrograde and back-to-back eclipses in your sign this year, and shit has been way too heavy! The good news is that the cosmos are chilling out and you will be able to enjoy the rest of the summer.

The Sun’s movement across Leo’s domain activates the area of your chart connected to personal finances, making it an excellent time to take a good, hard look at your bank account. Consider setting some money milestones. You may not change your tax bracket over night, but be sure you’re moving in the right direction, Cancer babe.

Under the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 15, you’ll realize that every action has a consequence. In order to achieve greatness, you’ll need to leave things behind. Remember that a rotting leaf provides the nutrients for a new bud to bloom. Let this lifecycle serve as your model for personal success.

A new astrological season begins on August 23 when the Sun shifts into Virgo’s sky. But the radiant star isn’t the only celestial body moving into this domain. Mars (the planet of action) and Virgo (the planet of romance) also shift into Virgo, intensifying this cosmic energy. Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving a lot of important information that may ultimately shift your perspective for the future. Stay alert.

Finally, on August 30, the month concludes with a New Moon in Virgo. On that date, five major celestial bodies occupying the same sign. This is major, Cancer love! Keep a close eye on your texts and DMs. People are really trusting you with vital information right now—don’t ruin your reputation by sharing someone else’s secrets.

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