Canadian Resort Calling On Snowboard Community To Help Build Banked Slalom Course

Fernie Alpine Resort in Canada is asking for help to shape their Banked Slalom course.

In a post to Facebook this week, officials of the resort ask the snowboard community to help make this event possible.

The build will take place from March 18th to 22nd, running daily from 10 am to 4 pm. Fernie is offering full-day and half-day shifts (10 am-1 pm or 1 pm-3 pm).

If you help out, you get more than good karma. Anyone who contributes a full day (or two half days) of course digging will earn complimentary event entry.

Check out Fernie's Banked Slalom back in 2019 below.

Each day of assistance, snowboarders will be entered into our volunteer prize draw for a chance to win swag from Fernie's sponsors.

The more you help, the more entries you'll receive. Plus, it should feel good to pitch in at your local hill.

The event allows snowboarders to "get back to their snowboarding roots", a throwback to the ’80s when snowboarders were the outlaws of the wild west, banned from most ski resorts and forced to fight for the right to shred.

This event is for all ages and includes categories for Mini Groms (9 and under), Groms (10-14), Youth (15-18), Adult (19-39), and Masters (40+).

Helmets are mandatory for all competitors and this event is listed for intermediate to advanced snowboarders.

Participants will get inspection and practice time each day and get one timed run on Saturday and a second on Sunday. The best time over the two days counts towards the podium.

May the best snowboarder win!

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