Camryn Garrett’s Full Disclosure : Take an Exclusive First Look at the Book Cover

It's going to be a big year for Camryn Garrett — her debut novel Full Disclosure will finally be hitting bookshelves.

The NYU freshman's book follows the story of Simone Garcia-Hampton, a young teen trying to make friends at a new school and proving herself as the student director of Rent. But in addition to dealing with typical adolescent struggles, Simone is also a black teen born with HIV and raised by loving queer parents. Camryn's Full Disclosure explores themes of love, self-acceptance, sexuality, and fear through Simone's eyes.

Full Disclosure will be available to readers starting October 29, 2019. Teen Vogue has an exclusive first look at the book's cover along with Camryn's thoughts on the artwork. Check it out below.

Teen Vogue: What did you want to be conveyed from the book cover? How do you hope for it to help bring to life the story of your characters?

Camryn Garrett: It was really important to me that there be a dark-skinned black girl on the cover. Colorism is active in most aspects of society, but specifically in entertainment fields, where we are more likely to see lighter-skinned actresses in movies and on TV. I don't see many black girls on covers in general, so I wanted this cover to make a statement by putting a black girl with dark skin front and center. Hopefully, the model on the cover can help readers imagine Simone, my main character, the way I do.

TV: What was your reaction to first seeing the book cover?

CG: Honestly, I was in love with the mock up, and didn't think that it would get much better. But it's so gorgeous now. When I saw it, I texted it to my mom at work, and we both agreed that it was perfect. It was sort of like the moment where the future bride finds the perfect dress in Say Yes to the Dress. I feel so lucky every time I look at it.

TV: How are you feeling now that we're close to the book finally getting into the hands of readers?

CG: It still doesn't feel real at all. I feel like it's really far away. I'll be in my second year of college by the time the book comes out. I know it's going to come really quickly, but right now I'm like, Wow, my book is basically coming out this year. When something big happens, like this cover reveal, I remember all at once that this is my debut year and this dream I've been working really hard toward is actually coming true. It's surreal.

Full Disclosure can now be pre-ordered and will debut on October 29, 2019.

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Penguin Random House</cite>
Courtesy of Penguin Random House

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