Campbell Vaughn: Mosquitoes are seemingly everywhere. Here's how to keep them away.

The Asian tiger mosquito is a small black and white mosquito, about 1/4-inch long. The name "tiger mosquito" comes from its white and black color pattern. It has a white stripe running down the center of its head and back with white bands on the legs.
The Asian tiger mosquito is a small black and white mosquito, about 1/4-inch long. The name "tiger mosquito" comes from its white and black color pattern. It has a white stripe running down the center of its head and back with white bands on the legs.

With lots of rain and wet weather in Augusta this Spring, the landscapes are thriving, but the mosquito problems are increasing.

This season often brings public awareness to the threat of mosquitoes and potential mosquito-borne diseases.

I recently was in my backyard for a few minutes throwing the ball for my dog. When I walked inside, it felt and looked like I had a hundred mosquito bites covering my legs.

I often choose to steer clear of leisure activities in my backyard because of the irritation that accompanies these pesky insects. So if you want to avoid being dinner for these suckers, there are a few ways to avoid and repel them.

There are 63 species of mosquitos known in Georgia, but only 10 or 12 are pests to humans.

Campbell Vaughn is the UGA Agriculture and Natural Resource agent for Richmond County.
Campbell Vaughn is the UGA Agriculture and Natural Resource agent for Richmond County.

First, it is important to remember that in warm southern locations, mosquitos may develop throughout the year. Because water is necessary for mosquito development, it is ideal to eliminate stagnant bodies of water.

The female mosquitos lay their eggs on the surface of standing water, which can be found in old tires, tarps, broken plastic, garbage can lid, etc. It is important to empty out everything, even something as small as a plant saucer, or cup, to avoid creating a larval habitat.

Reduce the population in your yard by removing old tires or drilling holes in the bottom of them to prevent water buildup, removing excess buildup of fallen leaves, especially Magnolia leaves due to moisture retention, and maintaining your gutters to ensure the water drains properly.

If you want to prevent adult mosquitos’ emergence, you can target the larval stage of development with a larvicide. Water that can’t be dumped, such as retention areas, can have larvicide applied to the water to prevent maturing.

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Temperature and food availability play a major role in the adult mosquito’s maturity which leads to the ability to lay eggs. Under ideal conditions of warm temperatures and ample food, mature mosquitos will lay eggs in stagnant water, and the larval and pupa stage only requires 10 to 12 days before the adult mosquito emerges.

In addition, most female mosquitos typically seek blood meal at dusk and dawn, but there are a few exceptions where they will get you during the day. The yellow fever mosquito and the Asian tiger mosquito enjoy the daytime and afternoons, especially in shaded areas.

There are basically two ways to prevent problems from mosquitos. One is to reduce or control their population. Two is to avoid being bitten. That said, many problems are caused by mosquitos that develop in our own yards and neighborhoods, as we accidentally raise them and provide them with a breeding habitat.

To protect yourself, it might be smart to stay indoors during periods of excessively high mosquito counts. If you must be outside, try these tips:

  • You can wear light colored protective clothing, loose-fitting, such as long pants and long sleeve shirts. Personally, I like those lightweight button-down fishing/beach shirts.

  • Select a good insect repellant and follow the directions carefully. It is best to use an EPA approved insect repellent and focus on complete coverage. DEET is a fan favorite, and it is sold under numerous brand names and comes in different forms such as spray, lotion, etc. The concentrations of DEET can range from about 5% all the way up to 100%, but the 10% to 35% range often provide adequate protection. When using it, read the label carefully for instructions.

  • An alternative to DEET is picaridin, known as KBR 3023, which is an odorless repellent that provides long-lasting protection against mosquitoes.

By taking some of these simple precautions, you can reduce the threat and annoyance of mosquitos in both your yard and neighborhood. It is important to take steps to eliminate the larval habitats on your property because of the potential threat mosquito populations pose.

This article originally appeared on Augusta Chronicle: Try these tips to avoid the bite of mosquitoes