Camila Mendes Wore Nothing But a Bra and High-Waisted Briefs Under Her Huge Leather Jacket

It's one way to make a statement at New York Fashion Week.

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New York Fashion Week is well underway and while editors are already pointing out a few key trends (florals for fall, you say?), Camila Mendes arrived at Coach's presentation wearing something completely timeless: a matching set of black underwear and nothing else under a huge statement jacket.

Mendes, who has been spotted throughout New York City hand-in-hand with her beau Rudy Mancuso, added a Coach shoulder bag and chunky C-logo loafers to her look. While wearing nothing but underpinnings may be enough to warrant all eyes on her, Mendes's leather jacket, which had big pockets and embroidery details, covered her up while still letting her show off her decidedly low-key (and definitely comfortable) outfit. She wore her signature dark hair in loose waves and her thick brows were still present and accounted for. Mancuso was also present at the show.

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:Camila Mendes Is Entering a New Season

Earlier this year, Mendes opened up about accepting her body and dealing with body issues throughout her teenage years and her 20s.

“I would watch every episode and be like, ‘Oh my god, my stomach there …’" she said on the Going Mental podcast. "I was like so insecure, and it really fueled my eating disorder.”

She went on to say that she was still settling into her body and accepting it for what it was, saying that it took time for her to see herself for more than just her appearance.

“When you’re in your early 20s, like, your body is fluctuating … my body hadn’t settled into itself yet,” she added. “I was looking at myself, picking myself apart, my stomach, you know, my arms, my chin, anything — I would, like, obsess over [it]. It kind of got in the way of my acting, because when I was acting on camera … it really fucks with your process.”

She noted that it took both a therapist and nutritionist for her to fully "heal."

“I was really afraid of eating carbs,” she explained. “And what would happen is I would avoid it for a long period of time, and then I would binge and eat a bunch and then purge. So, it was this, like, terrible cycle, and she helped me overcome that by reintroducing bread into my life to be like, ‘See, it’s not going to kill you …’ Now, it’s something that rarely comes up in therapy.”

If you're struggling with disordered eating, you can find support and resources from the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). If you are in a crisis, you can text "NEDA" to 741741 to be connected with a trained volunteer at Crisis Text Line for immediate support.

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Read the original article on InStyle.