Tell Us About The Time That You Worked As A Barista And Regretted It

Baristas are truly the backbone of America, yet the stories of what they go through on a day-to-day basis are never told.

Scarlett Johansson working in a coffee shop saying "some people are okay but mostly I just feel like poisoning everybody"
Ghost World / Via

After spending some time on "Barista Tok" I realized that this job isn't for the weak. They are constantly dealing with long lines, rude/creepy customers, annoying coworkers, and probably a ton of other niche things only a seasoned barista could reveal.

Barista pouring whip cream on a coffee
Shahad Alharthy / Getty Images

As a barista, maybe you've had to deal with wayyyy too many angry Karens who don't believe you when you tell them you're out of whip cream:

woman saying "I'm gonna need to speak to a supervisor"
@ryndean / Via

Or maybe you had a coworker that got so fed up with a rude customer that they did this:

Starbucks barista throwing a coffee in a customer's face
@isthattomhearn / Via

Maybe you had to break up a fight between two coworkers for stealing the other's tips!

woman splitting up a fight between two guys from Rick and Morty
Adult Swim / Via

Whatever the story, we want to hear about it in as much detail as possible in the comments below! If your story is a little TOO specific and you want to remain anonymous, simply fill out this Google form instead. We'll feature the most jaw-dropping responses in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!