37 Disturbing Photos That Will Leave You Feeling A Little "Off" The Rest Of The Day

1.Oh, great, just what I've been looking for: a briefcase for "rugged use" and "child abuse."

"for rugged use and child abuse"
u/Chersalani / Via reddit.com

2.Hi, sir, do you work here? Can you point me toward the aisle of death? Oh, aisle 11? Thanks!

"Aisle of death"
u/theXAKARI / Via reddit.com

3.What sick soul made this the default text for every fake IKEA computer?

a fake Ikea computer
u/SAT0725 / Via reddit.com

If you don't know what this is in reference to, it's a line from The Shining, when a woman stuck in a remote hotel over the winter with her husband and creepy-ass son sees the "manuscript" her husband's been working on.

Screenshots from "The Shining"
Warner Bros./Columbia-EMI-Warner Distributors

4.I don't even want to know what this building with no windows is for.

a building with no windows
u/DOLBY228 / Via reddit.com

5.Or why this hotel room has an extra little room with no windows.

an extra room in a hotel room
u/raisinbrans / Via reddit.com

6.Or why this house has a secret, hidden basement below its stairs.

a trap door beneath the stairs leading to a basement
u/Perspicuum / Via reddit.com

7.This creepy-ass house someone found in their attic looks straight out of a horror movie.

a house in the attic
u/CatchingWindows / Via reddit.com

8.Though none of those are as scary as this Airbnb bed with handcuffs on one of the legs.

handcuffs on a bed post
u/pchandler45 / Via reddit.com

9.This pamphlet about the World Trade Center from the '80s is creepily prophetic.

hand holding the pamplet
u/Demiil / Via reddit.com

10.And this ticket to the top of the World Trade Center from weeks before 9/11 is giving me the heebie jeebies.

"Top of the World"
u/CitizenT0xie / Via reddit.com

11.This lil' instruction booklet for building your very own nuclear fallout shelter has me really glad WWII and the Cold War are over.

a manual for building a fallout shelter
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

12.The caption to this is "This shelf in the closet of our new home was an upside down, wooden Ouija board." If I was OP, I'd move out.

A Ouija board shelf
u/toetun / Via reddit.com

13.This fully-decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the woods is giving Blair Witch Project vibes...but like, if they also made it a Christmas movie.

a decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the woods
u/ygtjf / Via reddit.com

14.The last photo coupled with this terrifying paper mache family someone found in the forest have me never wanting to enter the woods again.

a paper mache family in the woods
u/brodino_maiuscolo / Via reddit.com

15.And this photo — a warning with hands reaching up to grab a jumping man — sealed the deal.

a warning sign in the woods
u/quadriplegicswimteam / Via reddit.com

16.These super creepy old horoscopes that contain things like "Most Scorpios are murdered" is real freaky — especially because I'm a Scorpio.

a zodiac paper
u/Kneight / Via reddit.com

17.This terrifying note someone found is giving zombie apocalypse.

an old hand-written note
u/Takeheart13 / Via reddit.com

18.As is this abandoned mall.

an abandoned mall
u/JulianRob37 / Via reddit.com

19.Speaking of, I'm almost positive the person on the right is a zombie.

two hands next to each other
u/pertnear / Via reddit.com

20.This microwave's "chaos" button is freaking me out a bit.

u/vanitaraj / Via reddit.com

21.This is apparently a room for taking crying babies in a church, but it's still creeping me out.

"Cry Room"
u/Mimilegend / Via reddit.com

22.This tag is also slightly creepy.

"Pretend You're a Scary Monster"
u/wildebeesting / Via reddit.com

23.This weirdly-themed word search is giving me bad vibes.

a word search puzzle
u/demonmoocow / Via reddit.com

24.This photo from Disney World is only creepy if you look closely.

An alligator in the water
u/flu0mas / Via reddit.com

Don't know what's scary about it? Here, let me point it out for you.

"Ready to eat some children"
u/flu0mas / Via reddit.com

25.This warning for Australian beaches has me never, ever wanting to go to Australia.

A warning sign at a beach
u/neidrun / Via reddit.com

26.And this MRI of a pug has me never wanting to have a pug as a pet.

a pug's MRI
mimmaapp via Shuttertsock / u/TGADV / Via reddit.com

27.Though baby MRI scans are really not much better.

an MRI scan
u/dennismarr / Via reddit.com

28.This abandoned Sears is definitely haunted.

An abandoned store
u/deven_smith_ / Via reddit.com

29.I just don't like looking at someone's grandma's titanium hip replacement post-cremation!!!

a titanium hip
u/sLiimFit / Via reddit.com

30.Maybe it's just me, but this car that's slowly being reclaimed by nature — and looks like it's slowly being eaten by the bush — is kinda giving me the vibes of the creepy maze from the fourth Harry Potter.

a car next to some hedges
u/Tiredoftrouble456 / Via reddit.com

31.This lucky rabbit's foot stripped of its fur is making me pretty creeped out by anyone who carries one of these babies.

a hairless rabbit's foot
u/dfiorentine7005 / Via reddit.com

32.This abandoned handmade raft in the middle of the ocean is superrr ominous.

a raft in the ocean
u/E5RA-OZ​ / Via reddit.com

33.I get that cigarettes are bad, but the way the smoke spells out "life" and "death" on these signs is super creepy.

"No Smoking Allowed"
u/Jackjackhughesa123 / Via reddit.com

34.There were 100% satanic rituals done in this abandoned building.

Bones in an abandoned building
u/RiddimRyder / Via reddit.com

35.I feel like this is supposed to be sweet or sad or cool or something, but I'm just kinda creeped out.

"This book used to belong to Will"
u/holdmeturin / Via reddit.com

36.Anyone see The Birds? Yeah, pretty sure these people are living that horror movie.

Birds flying over cars
u/nanakokoo / Via reddit.com

37.And finally, apparently this is happening because the sun is so bright outside, but let me just tell you, under no circumstances would I open this door.

a black and red door
u/TLOU2bigsad / Via reddit.com