California's Mt. Baldy Opens Chair 2 Just In Time For The Holidays

Earlier this week, Mount Baldy in California posted an upbeat announcement to Instagram in the midst of the gloom and doom going on at many West Coast resorts right now.

Officials at Baldy reported that "We have received 3" of new snow."

Mt. Baldy was extremely close to where I went to college, and though it may not be as initially striking as (somewhat) nearby Mammoth or Bear, the drive up to the base of Mt. Baldy was absolutely gorgeous.

There's also a cool skate spot on the drive up, but if there's enough snow, that's not really a thing.

Best of all, Mount Baldy announced that they saw more snow after the initial three inches.

"Snow flurries are expected tonight, followed by overnight snow-making temps Saturday through Christmas."

"Tomorrow, we will be open for Scenic Rides and Snow Play. We will open Lift #2 for ski and ride on Sunday just in time for the holiday break."

Chair 1 doesn't necessarily mean the mountain is open for skiing, but chair 2 does, so this is a huge win for those looking to ski without leaving the Inland Empire!

Chair 2, famously known as "The Gulch," leads an iconic line up, cutting through the heart of the mountain's terrain.

According to Mount Baldy, "The Gulch serves as a gateway to some of Mt. Baldy's most diverse and thrilling trails."

The top elevation of Chair 2 is 7850 feet, starting from 7550 feet.

What are you waiting for, bad boys and girls of the Inland Empire? Go get some at Mount Baldy... Chair 2 is open!

Related: Storm Dispatch: Mt. Baldy, California

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