Cake of the Day: Tangerine Sour Cream Cake


Hummingbird High. Don’t you want to live there? Doesn’t it sound like the neighborhood of your dreams? It was, in fact, a dream for Michelle Lopez; in 2011, unhappy at her job, baking became her escape. Lopez launched Hummingbird High, named for the cookbook that guided her through cooking in high-altitude Denver, to catalog her sometimes successful, sometimes unsuccessful results.

Things are much happier for Lopez now. She moved back to her hometown of Portland, Oregon. She no longer works at said job. And she continues to bake now always successful recipes. This cake is her take on classic sour cream poundcake. After she bakes the Bundt, she pokes holes all over the top and pours citrusy syrup into each nook and cranny. She finishes it with a citrus glaze and fresh fresh tangerine zest. Happy, indeed.

Get this recipe: Tangerine Sour Cream Pound Cake


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