Caity Simmers is Quickly Becoming Your Favorite Surfer

Sure, this clip of Caity Simmers warming up in El Salvador is a little rough around the edges. Maybe coach Tom Whittaker should invest in a tripod? Still, the shaky handycam footage doesn't take away from the fact that Simmers is absolutely shredding.

A rookie on the CT, Simmers' style of surfing is a welcome addition to the tour. Similar to Dane Reynolds when he first qualified, Simmers has an x-factor to her surfing — you never know what she's going to do next.

For example, those back-to-back grab rail roundhouses to committed backside rebounds off the lip at the :30 second mark. Who saw either of those coming?

Even more impressive was her performance at The Box down in Margaret River in April, where she nabbed one of the best waves of the waiting period during the freesurfs. And maybe one of the best tube rides ever by a female?

The comments went wild, with surfers like Damien Hobgood, Yago Dora, Tom Carroll and Albee Layer showering her with well-earned praise.

Currently sitting in 5th place on the rankings, Simmers is well-positioned to qualify for the Top 5 at Trestles and make a run at a world title in just her rookie year on tour.

If she's not already one of your favorite surfers, she will be soon.


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