Caesar Salad Dressing Is Your Ticket To Unbeatable Asparagus

Caesar salad with asparagus
Caesar salad with asparagus - julie deshaies/Shutterstock

Caesar dressing isn't just for the classic salad. The full-bodied dressing is bursting with just the right combination of savory and tangy flavors to make it the perfect sauce for any number of foods -- including asparagus. That creamy Caesar salad dressing is perfect for bringing out asparagus' natural butteriness, just as its generous herbs and spices are a good match for the vegetable's natural herbiness. And Caesar dressing's tanginess also complements the sweet yet slightly bitter veggie the same way that a squeeze of lemon juice or a dollop of hollandaise sauce does.

Overall the combination of bright citrus and savory seasonings in the dressing works perfectly with the earthiness of the asparagus, hitting all of the right notes for a crave-able flavor profile. It doesn't matter if your asparagus is grilled, roasted, pan-fried, or even steamed -- Caesar dressing will add layers of flavor to those tender green stalks. And since it works in so many different ways, there are plenty of options to use the two together.

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Caesar Salad Dressing And Asparagus Options

Ramekin of Caesar dressing white background
Ramekin of Caesar dressing white background - Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

The first thing that probably comes to mind when thinking about asparagus and Caesar dressing is subbing out the usual romaine lettuce for grilled or roasted asparagus. This can be done while the asparagus is still warm from being cooked, or after it's given a chance to chill in the refrigerator first. Either way, you'll get a hearty play on the traditional Caesar salad that is sure to hit the spot. Another option is to bread the cooked asparagus and top it with the dressing and a generous dusting of parmesan cheese. Don't forget a few squirts of lemon while you're at it!

Homemade Caesar salad dressing also makes a fantastic dipping sauce, or drizzle it on top of steamed, grilled, or roasted asparagus. Of course, it also goes great with pan-fried asparagus. While it makes sense to add the dressing after cooking, don't be afraid to try squirting a little Caesar onto roasting asparagus or into its sauté pan towards the end. The fats and oils in the salad dressing will help the asparagus crisp up while the seasonings will cook into it, creating a deeper flavor.

What Should You Pair Asparagus And Caesar Salad Dressing With?

Asparagus and salmon on white plate
Asparagus and salmon on white plate - Grandriver/Getty Images

Caesar salad makes just as good of an entree as it does a side -- and the same goes for asparagus Caesar salad. Just toss a chicken breast or salmon filet on top and you've got a full meal. But if you would prefer to eat asparagus drizzled in Caesar dressing as a side you might be wondering what to pair it with. The aforementioned salmon or chicken options will work wonderfully, of course, but they're not your only options by far.

As a side, it will go well with both foods traditionally paired with asparagus and those that are usually served along with a Caesar salad. As with other preparations of asparagus, it pairs perfectly with just about any kind of grilled or roasted meat. Fried battered fish, mushroom soup, and meatloaf are other delicious options. Even though the Caesar salad didn't originate in Italy, it's often served with Italian-style dishes like lasagna and eggplant parmesan. Perhaps this is because it was developed by a chef who was born in Italy, though the restaurant where he brought it to life was in Tijuana. Regardless of the reason, Caesar-flavored asparagus will also pair well with just about any Italian-inspired food -- and much more.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.