Bye, Bye, Baby Blues: 5 Steps to Ease Postpartum Depression

Bye, Bye, Baby Blues: 5 Steps to Ease Postpartum Depression

In recent years, talk of the "baby blues" and postpartum depression has come to life as new mothers break taboos about this all-too-common period in their lives after giving birth to a child.

Although new mothers are overjoyed by the new addition to their families, the transition from pregnancy to motherhood is not as seamless as it looks, with women facing changes that can be debilitating to their mood due to hormones, physical changes, lack of sleep and other factors.

According to the American Psychological Association, the "baby blues" are common for women to experience following their baby's birth, with symptoms including stress, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, weepiness or exhaustion that should clear up a few weeks after the baby is born.

However, one in seven women experiences postpartum depression, a much more serious mood disorder that doesn't go away on its own.

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Postpartum depression can appear days or months after delivery and can last weeks or even months if untreated, the APA adds. For many women, it can affect their ability to care for their children and themselves.

Depression can look different for everyone, however, symptoms can include: a loss of pleasure or interest, loss of libido, anxiety, panic attacks, racing thoughts, guilt, irritability, excessive crying, fear of not being a good mother and fear of being left alone with the baby, among others.

The good news is, recovery is possible with proper treatment and getting help is pivotal to moving forward. Below we've compiled five tips on how you can navigate postpartum depression.

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Seek Help from a Licensed Mental Health Provider

Whether you have a trusted therapist or psychologist or need help finding one, seeking help from a licensed professional is key when dealing with postpartum depression. For many women, this is the first time they have dealt with a depressive episode and having the right kind of help is pivotal.


As soon as your medical provider tells you it's okay to do so, get some exercise. According to studies conducted in Australia, they show that exercise can serve as an antidepressant for women facing PPD. Take it day by day with activities such as walking with your baby in a stroller or doing yoga at home.

Join a Support Group

You are not alone in this and PPD is not your fault. Join a support group of mothers who are facing PPD or join a mother's group to surround yourself with. Many mothers are going through the same feelings as you and sharing what you're going through can be therapeutic.

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Talk to Your Partner and Family About Shared Responsibilities

Share what you're feeling with your partner and family to ease the burden. As you and your baby adapt to a new reality, it's pivotal that both of you have the right care. Perhaps hashing out some alone time for yourself, having your partner take the baby while you nap or asking someone to help you with the laundry.

Set Realistic Expectations for Yourself

Being a mom is already a superpower, keep your expectations toward yourself kind. Even though you may want to tackle the same responsibilities as before, give yourself grace and an adaptation period for this new time in your life. Get real about what you can really do as a new mom, the rest can be tackled later.

If you need immediate assistance, please call these numbers:

National Hopeline Network

1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: LifeLine

1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)Has hotlines for every state


1-800-PPDMOMS (1-800-773-6667)