This Busy Mom Blogger Has The Best Advice For Staying Active Post-Baby

Photo credit: Cibelle Levi x Genevieve Padalecki
Photo credit: Cibelle Levi x Genevieve Padalecki

From Women's Health

Genevieve Padalecki is an actress, lifestyle blogger, and a mom to three kiddos, two dogs, and eight chickens (!!). For her, moving on the reg is a must—even if she’s just gardening or taking a walk with her tots in tow. It’s this down-to-earth, realistic attitude that makes Gen, 38, a feed fave of 1.1 million Instagram followers.

Below, this Austin, Texas, mama and IRL Insta inspo shares how she stays well with a young fam.

1. Seek Out a Squad

Years of playing competitive soccer taught Padalecki the power of teamwork—so much so that she works out with a buddy when she can, to remain accountable and reach her goals.

2. Switch It Up

To stay excited about exercising, she loves to try new classes that focus on different fitness methods. It leaves her feeling sore—and accomplished.

3. Take a Different Path

Being in nature is key for Padalecki, who often treats the outdoors as her gym. “Following routes and observing my surroundings allows me to clear my mind and develop fresh perspectives.”

4. Redefine Balance

Rather than separating parts of her life, she tries to blend them, by, say, running with a pal and chatting on the way. And when such moments aren’t doable? “Be forgiving—you can’t always be and do everything at once.”

This article originally appeared in the September 2019 issue of Women's Health.

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