Bulldog Dressed Up as a Snowman Refuses To Get in the Christmas Spirit

One of the things a lot of people love about the holiday season is getting to dress their pets up in fun costumes. @BulldogPabs is an English bulldog named Pablo who is a glass-half-empty kind of guy. His dad calls him 'naughty' a lot, and he loves to sleep more than anything else (except maybe getting treats).

Pablo's dad shared a video on Monday, November 27th and it had me cracking up. Dad wanted Pablo to get into the Christmas spirit and put him in a snowman costume. He looked absolutely adorable, but he definitely wasn't happy about it!

@BulldogPabs didn't have one ounce of Christmas spirit in his entire English bulldog body! Some dogs love wearing costumes, but Pablo isn't one of them...he was not amused at all! And just like his dad always says, he was naughty and took out the camera not once but twice. He didn't want any video evidence of being dressed up like a snowman!

Related: French Bulldog's Grinch-Like Aversion to the Christmas Tree Is the Best

Commenters got a kick out of Pablo's reaction. @winterblues15 used emojis to sing, "Pablo the grumpy snowman...". @AB shared, "Convinced he understands every single word". @larry Loving is Team Pablo, "I'm with Pablo on this one dad, straight humiliated LOL!" @michellecook054 suggested, "Maybe the Grinch outfit would work better!!!" @ppeisel shared what she thought Pablo was probably thinking, "Happy? I have a carrot on my head!"

Pablo also has a little brother named Diego who isn't nearly as disagreeable. @vicsecret08 said, "I want to see Diego in a Christmas outfit." Me too! I think he'd make an adorable snowman!

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