Buffalo Firefighter Adopts 3-Legged Pit Bull Mix He Helped Save

A Buffalo fire fighter by the name of Anthony Pulvino shared how he ended up adopting his rescue dog, after she was brought into the fire station by two teenagers who saw her get hit by a car.

The Pit Bull mix had a severely injured leg and required medical assistance.

Fox News reports, "The firefighters put a pillow inside a box, tucked the puppy in and ultimately decided to take her to the emergency vet.

Pulvino, who has been a firefighter for two-and-a-half years, said he'd been thinking about getting a puppy — so he felt an immediate connection to the little one.

"I left my phone number and said if nobody claims her, I’d love to take her," Pulvino said.

"I had told the guys, ‘I really want a puppy.’ And they said, ‘Yeah, you could bring her to the house any time."

Related: Woman Adopts 3-Legged Dog Nobody Wanted and We're in Our Feelings

What a sweet story! Everything from those two wonderful teens bringing her in to Auburn finding her forever home with someone who will give her all the love and care she deserves.

What To Consider Before Adopting a Special Needs Pup



Anytime you adopt a dog from a shelter it's a very noble thing to do, but adopting a dog with special needs is a very noble act of compassion, and it will reward you in ways you never though possible.

Disability among special-needs animals ranges from the physical, like a dog with three-legs, to behavioral.

These may include things physical disabilities, chronic health conditions, behavioral issues, or emotional trauma. You have to think about whether you have the time, resources and willingness to give these special dogs all the care and affection they deserve.

You have to take your finances into consideration, and you need to have access to a veterinarian who has experience and expertise in treating special needs dogs. And we all know that those vet visits can be pricey, not to mention any special adjustments made to your home for a mobility challenged dog, or a special diet they may require.

You have to take your emotional health into consideration. Losing a pet is always heartbreaking, but when you take on a pet with special needs, you need to keep in mind that their time with you may be shorter than you'd like.

It's a wonderful thing to adopt a dog with health problems, but you have to be emotionally, financially and mentally ready. These dogs deserve all the love and care in the world.

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