Budget Friendly Candle Decor Is the Perfect DIY For Any Space

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Want some sort of small and cozy decor to add to your room to light up the space? Then you can do no wrong with a candle! Even better if that candle comes in a gorgeous piece of decoration itself, and wouldn’t it be better still if that decoration was made by your own hands? It can be done with this simple and easy DIY straight from TheSimpleGuide!

To start off this DIY you are going to want to head to your local Dollar Store or even maybe a thrift store and get some simple glass vases in a size that will be appropriate for the candles that you intend to use. Large pillar candles will obviously need larger vases, and vice versa. You will also want to snag some decorative sand, a small serving bowl (this creator chose a simple wooden one), some matte spray paint, and some tape.

Once you've gotten everything together, tape off the top half of the vase and cover it completely, then spray paint the bottom half. Once you peel off the tape you should be left with a perfectly straight line, but if it does peel up a bit you can always go back with a brush and clean it up. After that all you have to do is grab your decorative sand, pour it in till the vase is about halfway full, then snug your candle in neatly. Fill it up with a little bit more of the decorative sand, making sure that you get up to the edges of the candle, and that's pretty much it!

Now, do keep in mind that as the candle melts you will likely have some wax going places that you don't necessarily need or want it to go. Luckily this kind of sand is fairly cheap, so keep extra on hand and once one candle is done burning, just scoop out the waxy sand (if there is any), and replace it with new!