Buddy The Elf Wreaths Will Liven Up Your Front Door This Holiday Season

From Good Housekeeping

Ah, the holidays. Freshly baked goodies with ice-cold milk and laughs with loved ones are essential this time of year, as is the incredibly hilarious Christmas movie Elf. Let’s face it: Buddy the Elf stole our hearts with his love of noodles and syrup and, well, all things Santa Claus. What better way to keep the Elf legacy alive than to add parts of the movie to your holiday decor?

Well, you're in luck: Etsy sells a Buddy the Elf wreath that is not to be missed. For $75, the fictional character will greet guests in a way only he could – with an oversized grin and curls billowing beneath a festive Christmas hat. If this wreath doesn't scream, "Have you seen these toilets? They're ginormous!" then we aren't sure what will this season.

As we creep closer to the holiday season, the only thing left to do is grab an Elf-inspired wreath and sing "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" like Buddy himself.

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