Buckingham Palace Is Opening a New Exhibit About Queen Victoria This Summer

Photo credit: Yui Mok - PA Images - Getty Images
Photo credit: Yui Mok - PA Images - Getty Images

From Town & Country

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Queen Victoria's birth, and in honor of the milestone, Buckingham Palace is putting on a special exhibit highlighting the British monarch's life, and specifically, how she transformed the Palace "from a private house into a working royal residence."

Victoria was notably the first reigning British monarch to live in Buckingham Palace, taking up residence shortly after she ascended to the throne in July of 1837, and establishing a tradition that continues today with Queen Elizabeth. But, as the royal family's website puts it, Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert, and their growing family "soon showed up the Palace's shortcomings."

Photo credit: Yui Mok - PA Images - Getty Images
Photo credit: Yui Mok - PA Images - Getty Images

Victoria wrote to the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, about 'the urgent necessity of doing something to Buckingham Palace' and 'the total want of accommodation for our growing little family.'

Eventually, funds were approved for renovations and the addition of a new wing.

According to the Royal Collection Trust, this summer's exhibit "will explore how Victoria made Buckingham Palace what it remains today–the headquarters of the Monarchy, a rallying point for national celebrations and a family home."

Photo credit: Yui Mok - PA Images - Getty Images
Photo credit: Yui Mok - PA Images - Getty Images

Pieces highlighted in the show include several paintings of parties held at Buckingham Palace during Victoria's reign, a portrait of the British monarch, and Queen Victoria's gown for the Stuart Ball, which illustrates just how small she was.

The Queen's Star of the Order of the Bath, a stunning piece of jewelry, which features gold and silver detailing, as well as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, will also be on display.

The exhibit opens on July 20, and will run through September 29 of this year as part of the Palace's opening of the State Rooms.

For more information on the exhibition, and how you can visit Buckingham Palace this summer, visit the Royal Collection Trust's website.

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