BTS’ Jungkook Is Now Blonde & The Internet Is Broken

Nothing affects the ARMY more than a box of hair dye and BTS band member. BTS’ Jungkook died his hair half blonde and fans are truly falling all over themselves. People are fainting (k not really but like, it’s mayhem). There’s sheer chaos going on around the entire internet because he apparently just looks to handsome. It’s incomprehensible, and yet—it’s here. Jungkook is blonde and he looks fab. Get used to it. Seriously, may as well call him the new Elle Woods. He’s that stylish. Fans began to notice that in the boys’ latest video, Jungkook seems to be hiding a new hair color. They’re now convinced that this change in locks means a comeback is closer than we think. In the past, there’s...

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