These BTS Clips of Tom Karangelov's New WKND Part Intro Are Insane (Watch)

Grant Yansura is on such a level of his own as far as making skate videos is concerned. Every WKND edit and video — literally ever — has been an instant classic; a straight up banger that gets talked about for days, months, years…or at least until the next one drops.

This is just one small scene that he’s dissecting here, but to see the amount of work that went into Tom K's intro (again, just one of many) really shows how dedicated Grant is to his craft. Impressed is an understatement.

You just don't always think about "how” they do it, because usually you’re so locked in and entertained by the end result. But these short films that he creates to entertain a bunch of dumb skateboarders are literally that — proper short films. And this crew pumps them out like it's homework!

Speaking of the first slide, Grant says, "After each failed take, had to place everything back exactly on the shelf to match other shots. The take used in the final Tom gets tossed a lot harder than this iPhone angle attempt. He also gets hit directly in the head with a basketball followed by 2 stacks of Nat Geo’s which Tom was hyped on. Sparks in VCR were fireworks shooting into Tom’s eyes."


Again, I know a lot of hard work goes into these projects. That’s a given. But seeing these BTS clips and how Grant explains them all is wild. That conveyer belt made from wheels and griptape is insane? The pull harness? Cutting holes in walls...all of it. So, so good. Hats off to Grant for yet again nailing it.

If you haven't seen Rumble Pack, watch it here. 

Video / @wknd_skateboards

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