Online Vegetable Gardening Courses

Spring may be the perfect time to get planting, but brushing up on your gardening skills knows no season. A number of organizations offer online vegetable gardening classes, many of them free. These courses are especially handy if you're a beginner just learning the basics for a first-time garden, but there are also plenty of options for more experienced gardeners looking to learn something new.

Brie Williams

Intro to Vegetable Gardening

Have you always wanted to become a Master Gardener? These programs train volunteers to help their communities through teaching people the science and techniques of gardening. Thanks to Oregon State University, you can get a taste of their 12-course program online. The vegetable gardening section of its Master Gardener series is now open to anyone interested in learning the basics. The four- to six-hour class includes information on choosing a site for your vegetable garden, planting tips, and how to identify and solve common diseases and pest problems. The course is available on demand, so you can start at any time and work at your own pace.

Andre Baranowski

How to Start an Organic Vegetable Garden

Alison is an online learning website with about 1,500 free courses, including photography, makeup artistry, and intros to learning a new language. We spotted its course on organic vegetable gardening that's 2 to 3 hours long, and takes you through the basics of growing food without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. There are modules about growing specific vegetables, including carrots, cabbage, and spinach, so if you're interested in only a few vegetables, you can skip ahead to watch the videos about growing them.

How to Start a First-Time Garden

For anyone looking to create a garden for the very first time, check out Garden Tutor's free online class. The course covers the basics, including how to choose a site, choosing plants, creating a garden plan, and planting and maintaining your new landscape. The entire class takes about 2 or 3 hours to complete, and by the end, you'll have all the knowledge you need to start your first-ever garden.