These Brothers Tried to Get Six-Pack Abs by Doing 100 Situps a Day for a Month

Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images
Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images

There are plenty of ways to slot an ab workout into your daily regimen in a way that makes sense. And anyone looking to really work their core is probably going to spend more than a week doing so—part of creating a routine is finding what you can do sustainably, for maximum results over a given time.

On the other hand, there’s YouTube, where fitness influencers are always giving themselves short-term challenges and chronicling the results. Take doing 1,000 calf raises a day for a week. That’s probably not something you’d turn into a regular workout, but seeing some real gains after seven days can be inspiring.

Similarly, most people aren’t going to be like the Winkler brothers, who decided to do 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days. That’s it—that’s the challenge. No bells and whistles, just two brothers on a mission.

As they point out, at the beginning, even doing 100 sit-ups was pretty difficult, even for a pair of fit and healthy guys. Even in the time-lapse videos (they do, in fact, show you every one of the month’s 3000 sit-ups), you can see the difference in form. As the month wears on, they mention giving themselves less time to rest, both because they’re getting better at doing sit-ups, and because they want to keep challenging themselves.

Of course, the big question is what kind of results come at the end of those 30 days. (Several commenters say how motivated the video makes them.) By day 30, both Winkler bros could rip out 100 sit-ups with no rest. They saw some improved definition, and most importantly they felt stronger—in this case while showing off their abs in sunny Portugal.

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