British YouTube Star Experiences the Magic Of Quebec Riding.

Anyone who has been keeping up with riding content this summer has seen a lot of Quebec content. There is a reason for that. Quebec is home to some of the best trails in the world.

Watch Lew Buchanan check out Sentiers Du Moulin, a popular network just north of Quebec City. Spoiler alert, he says it is better than Whistler!

To be fair, comparing Sentiers Du Moulin to Whistler is an apples-to-oranges comparison. Whistler is a huge lift-served bike park and SDM is a shorter elevation pedal-accessed trail system.

With that being said, Lew is not far off. SDM’s trails are absolutely mind-blowing. They are able to pack an incredible amount of quality trails into a small mountain. Moreover, they have trails for all ability levels.

One of the coolest things about the East is the amount of rocks. Riders who are looking for technicality need look no further than the hills of Quebec. There are both large rock slabs and rock gardens.

No matter how you want to destroy your rear wheel, Quebec trails have the method for you to do it. The smile probably would not even be wiped off your face.

Related: Youtuber Gets First Tracks On Exciting New Quebec Trail

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