British Columbia Ski Resort Asks The Internet To Name Its New Snowcats

Fernie Alpine Resort, British Columbia, is asking the internet to name a pair of new snowcats joining its fleet, with a slew of prizes going to whoever submits the best names.

Fernie's grooming team will vote on and select the best submissions. Whichever skier wins the naming contest will receive a $100 Resorts of the Canadian Rockies gift card, a ride in the cat you named, and your name on a snowcat for the remainder of this ski season.

Wilmot Mountain, Wisconsin, initiated a similar contest this fall when it asked its clientele to name its new snowcat. In an article covering that contest, I expressed concern for Wilmot Mountain, writing, "Historically, asking the internet for help naming anything hasn't produced positive or, at the very least, serious results."

My worry stemmed from an internet naming contest for a new Mountain Dew beverage years ago that quickly went very sideways, with the internet selecting names that I literally can't write here.

Fernie wisely instituted a measure to protect against trolls, though. Instead of having the internet vote on the names for its new snowcats, Fernie's grooming team will make the final selection. This way, the snowcats will get a fun name that isn't too ridiculous (or egregious, for that matter).

To participate in the contest, click here.

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