Britain's Got Talent 2018, the final: Lost Voice Guy a worthy winner as Rev Michael Curry gives his blessing

The variety contest’s 12th series climaxed with comedians dominating, Royal Wedding tributes and a worthy winner. Here are the 10 talking points from the grand final of Britain's Got Talent 2018…

Lost Voice Guy’s triumph made for a feelgood finale

Comedian Lee Ridley, a 37-year-old from Newcastle upon Tyne (cue blatant favouritism from Geordie host Declan Donnelly), took to the stage in a T-shirt proudly proclaiming he was “Disabled before it was popular”. His cerebral palsy has left him unable to speak but he performs self-mocking, PC-baiting stand-up with the aid of a speech synthesiser.

Ridley went into this final as the bookies’ favourite and true to form, was crowned the winner after an uproarious routine that poked fun at the judges but mainly himself - especially the fact that his face was patched up after he tripped up celebrating his semi-final win. “Lost Voice Guy became Lost Balance Guy,” he quipped.

Comedian Lee Ridley, whose celebral palsy means he is unable to speak, uses a voice synthesizer for his act
Comedian Lee Ridley, whose celebral palsy means he is unable to speak, uses a voice synthesizer for his act

Ridley has been gigging on the comedy circuit for six years but let’s not quibble over details. His journey to victory has been inspiring, uplifting and, crucially, very funny indeed, as he delivered zinger after zinger. “I hope you’ve had fun laughing at a disabled man,” he said on Sunday night. Indeed we have. 

BGT has form for propelling disabled comics to fame: Jack Carroll, who also has cerebral palsy, was runner-up five years ago. This contest is kinder and more inclusive than it’s given credit for, and this series has been particularly cockle-warming.

Lost Voice Guy succeeds electro-classical pianist Tokio Myers as champion, scooping a £250,000 cash prize and getting the chance to perform at The Royal Variety. “I’m very excited to perform for the Queen,” he said. “I’ve loved her since she sang Bohemian Rhapsody.” Can’t wait to see what he taps into his tablet for that gig. The look on Prince Phillip’s face should be priceless.

Royal newlyweds and Bishop Curry popped up. Kind of

Robbie Williams and Russell Crowe were spotted in the studio audience during last week’s live semis. Now BGT went one louder, with Prince Harry and new bride Meghan Markle present and correct on the balcony. 

Or so it seemed. What fooled many viewers at first glance was actually just two impostors wearing uncannily life-like, slightly sinister masks of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Bishop Michael Curry delivered a special blessing - Credit: ITV/PA
Bishop Michael Curry delivered a special blessing Credit: ITV/PA

The show also got a pre-recorded blessing from Bishop Michael Curry, the charismatically rambling American preacher who stole the show at Windsor Castle a fortnight ago. As host Declan Donnelly noted, Curry’s message of love was “quite a short one by his standards”. Shame. We’d rather hear Curry holding court than Amanda Holden. 

Live glitches continued with results ruined

It has been a (euphemism alert) “eventful” live week from the show’s new home of Hammersmith Apollo. We had a 10-minute transmission blackout, a buzzer-pressing stage invader, a stunt double mistakenly appearing on-camera and a stage-hand blundering into the middle of a magic act.

Would we see another bungle during this live final? Of course we would. Not only were there some awkward silences but Declan Donnelly fluffed the climactic reveal of the results, forgetting to tell dance troupe DVJ that they weren’t in the final three.

Ashley Banjo (centre), manager of Diversity Juniors (DVJ), leaves the Hammersmith Apollo - Credit: PA
Ashley Banjo (centre), manager of Diversity Juniors (DVJ), leaves the Hammersmith Apollo Credit: PA

A little shambolic, sure, but also reassuringly human. Sometimes it’s fine to be reminded that this is live television, adding a frisson of unpredictability. 

Guest turns were glorified ads - and too raunchy to boot

As if eight commercial breaks and countless U-Switch idents weren’t enough during this epic final, we also got two doses of product placement for West End shows. 

The cast of Tina the Musical performed a hip-shaking medley of Ms Turner’s hits, before the Magic Mike Live beefcakes took to the stage to bare their six-packs and elicit the sort of hormonal hen night screams not heard since the era of The Chippendales. It might have been past the 9pm watershed but were their male stripper gyrations and unsubtle thrusting really suitable for such a family show?

The star of the original Hollywood film, sentient slab of meat Channing Tatum, appeared to announce that the show was transferring from Las Vegas to London’s Hippodrome. Form an orderly queue, ladies. Not you, Walliams.

This was the comedians’ year in BGT

Three of this week’s five semi-finals were won by comedians, and funnymen (sadly, it was all men) dominated this final too. Runner-up behind Lost Voice was his fellow stand-up Robert White - the offbeat music teacher from West Sussex who has Aspergers Syndrome, wears psychedelic tanktops and works a waspish line in near-the-knuckle musical comedy. 

White’s routine sailed close to the wind again as he cracked gags about Grindr, Simon Cowell’s age and sang “Your Son Will Come Out Tomorrow” to David Walliams’ mother. It’s a shame if White really is now giving up comedy to concentrate on his teaching career but perhaps his near-miss here will persuade him to keep combining the two. 

By stark contrast, Micky P Kerr - the bearded urchin from Leeds who resembles a lanky Hagrid - had a howler. His routine started strongly enough but soon became stilted and painful to watch. Kerr tried to riff on his laid-back demeanour with an Oasis-esque song called I’m Not Arrogant but it came off as insouciance to the point of, well, arrogance. Titters didn't come. Tumbleweed blew across the screen. A nation cringed.


A comedian has never won BGT before this year and here Kerr demonstrated why: because standing alone on that vast platform, trying to make a 3500-strong live audience and millions of TV viewers laugh, is a scarily tough task. It took Kerr dying on-stage to highlight just how good Lost Voice Guy and Robert White were. 

Ant-less Dec deserves plaudits

Presenter Declan Donnelly has been without his conjoined twin Ant McPartlin for this week of live shows yet has looked so comfortable, you could be forgiven for forgetting he’s not always solo.

Dec continued his week of blockbuster entrances with an all-singing, all-dancing arrival in the studio, before helming proceedings with twinkly wit and slick professionalism. Well, at least until that late blooper. 

Darth Cowell made a point of thanking Donnelly at the show’s climax, saying he’d done “an outstanding job this past week”. Hear, hear. It will be splendid to see Ant return next year but in the meantime, Dec has been superb. A reassuringly safe pair of hands who has now earned a holiday.

Wildcard act was worthy but wasted

Ten acts qualified from this week’s five semi-finals but an eleventh made the cut after a wildcard was added to the final line-up. B-Positive Choir duly got the nod, which had been widely expected after Simon Cowell told them he would do “everything in my power” to make sure they got here after narrowly missing out on a place.

The NHS-backed choir’s members all have sickle cell disease and was set up to encourage blood donation. Performing fifth, they reprised their rendition of Andra Day’s r’n’b hit Rise Up from the audition, and were once again passionate, uplifting and soaringly soulful. Cowell told them they were his favourite act of the night so far. 

However, the addition of another musical act hardly helped the mix. You couldn’t help feeling that the extra slot should have gone to one of this year’s standout magicians: Mandy Muden, Maddox Dixon or Marc Spelmann. B-Positive Choir duly finished bottom of viewers’ votes, proving they were a wasted wildcard. 

Too much musical mediocrity meant lack of variety

BGT is supposed to be a variety contest but there was a lamentable lack of diversity on display during this final. Six of the 11 acts were musicians or vocalists - and if you want to be harsh, two of the comedy acts were musical too, making it eight out of 11. It was a noticeably male-dominated bill too, with only three acts (D Day Darlings, DVJ and B-Positive Choir) featuring females. 

The musical turns were also distinctly second-rate and none ever looked like winning. Nostalgic choir The D-Day Darlings wheeled out some more war veterans, which felt even more cynical and exploitative third time around. Schoolboy singer Calum Courtney was out of his depth, B-Positive Choir were a misguided choice, while father-and-son duo Jack and Tim were cloyingly cheesy.

The only two to justify their place were wiggling-and-wining Donchez Dacres and Welsh tenor Gruffydd Wyn Roberts, who finished in third and fourth place respectively. At the end of the day, though, this likeable pair were a novelty act and a Paul Potts tribute act respectively. This isn't The X Factor. The field needed to be more eclectic.

Judges were on annoying form

The judging panel is often rather redundant in talent show finals, with relentless positivity the order of the day. So it proved here, with far too many acts told they had “upped their game”, “I love you” and “You could win this”, while the buzzers remained unbuzzed.

Amanda Holden wore another flesh-baring frock and droned on about her grandmother. Alesha Dixon laughed a lot and offered little in the way of critical judgment. David Walliams rooted for the comedians while being less amusing than usual himself. Simon Cowell flashed his he-vage and was strangely obsessed with The Greatest Showman.

Britain's Got Talent winners: where are they now?

The BGT panel has been the genre’s most consistent, remaining unchanged for seven series now. Perhaps the time has come for a shake-up because they were stale and moribund during this final.

A solid series but will it be the last on ITV?

As the curtain came down on this 12th series, what was the overall verdict? Well, it was rather a good one. There has been a high level of talent, a decent mix of acts and plenty of incident. Ratings have been solid, attracting between 6.2m and 11.5m viewers across the series. All that was missing was Ant McPartlin and perhaps a talented dog or two.

Britain's Got Talent: 10 best auditions

It might merely be a negotiating tactic to inflate ITV’s bid but Simon Cowell has reportedly been considering an approach by BBC One to poach the show. 

BGT on the BBC would be an intriguing prospect. Watch this space.