A Brief History of Surfing Between Hawaii and Portugal with Nic von Rupp (Watch)

Earlier this week we saw the first installment of the new season of Nic von Rupp's surf series, "Portugal Back to Back."

In the full episide, which is available here on YouTube, von Rupp surfs the Azores, nine volcanic islands located nearly a thousand miles off the coast of Lisbon.

Today, von Rupp posted a clip of the episode on his Instagram page, that gives a brief history of the connection between Hawaii, surfing, Portugal, and people of the Azores.

Von Rupp starts the clip above with:

"Pretty crazy how two very different islands, two oceans across, have such a deep bond, Hawaii and the Azores."

He shares more detail in the clip above, which he captioned:

"Two islands, two oceans apart!

"It's mind-blowing how Portuguese Azorean immigrants journeyed across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to work in Hawaii's sugar cane fields.

"Amazing to see how the Portuguese influenced the Hawaiian culture and Hawaii influenced the Portuguese, some even say the first surfers in Portugal were returning emigrants from Hawaii, following in the footsteps of the father of surfing, Duke Paoa Kahanamoku."

Von Rupp kept the history lesson short and sweet, but it's still a pretty fascinating story.

Press play above to learn a little more about surfing. It may help you next time you're at trivia night.

His followers loved it. Read a few of their comments below:

"Amazing info, thanks for this."

"Wow that's so cool .. Nicholas the surfing heritage! Show more of this story!!"

"Surfing is health and magic. Although my handicap is History. I'm more of a now and tomorrow person. 🙂 Thanks, Nic!"


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