BrewDog Wants to Open a Bar That Straddles the U.S./Mexico Border


Courtesy of BrewDog

Scottish brewery BrewDog is never shy about making headlines. In the past few years, they produced a beer with an ABV over 50 percent, along with bottling said-beer in containers made out of roadkill. They also opened a hotel in connection with their first U.S. brewery where guests can actually bathe in a hot tub full of the brewery's seriously hoppy Punk IPA. It should then come as no surprise that BrewDog has made news again with its most recent North American project: opening a craft beer bar that straddles the U.S./Mexico border.

'"The Bar on the Edge' will be set up in the furthest outskirts of the United States, reflecting our ambition to reach every corner of the country as we begin to brew our beers on US soil," says BrewDog co-founder, James Watt. "Beer has always been a unifying factor between cultures – and our business was born from collaboration and an inclusive approach – so we thought it would be fun to place the bar a few feet further to actually cross the US-Mexico border too."

While the specific location for 'The Bar on the Edge' is yet to be revealed, BrewDog has stated that half of the bar will be located somewhere in Texas with the other half situated in Chihuahua, Mexico, with a dotted line across the center of the bar and along the venue's outdoor seating area to represent the geographical border. Additionally, the 'Bar on the Edge' will serve only Mexican beers on the U.S. side and American beers on the Mexican side. Border relations never sounded so refreshing.

Now this plan sounds all well and good, but it remains to be seen how BrewDog is actually going to make this happen. However, Watt seems confident that their pursuit of bi-lateral beer relations will come to fruition. "We will request official permission from the local authorities to put it there and adhere to any red tape stuff, but I guess it would make it more difficult to build a wall if there's a BrewDog bar in the way," says Watt. "The 'Bar on the Edge' is our line in the sand, quite literally."