This Breakfast Is Protein-Packed AND Delicious!

Photo credit: Brandon Bales
Photo credit: Brandon Bales

From Delish


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Growing up, I was CRAZY about taquitos. It was my one and only order at my favorite Mexican restaurant growing up, Nachomamas. Their taquitos were super delicious, stuffed with ground beef and fried until super golden and crunchy. Any kid's dream food.

Photo credit: Brandon Bales
Photo credit: Brandon Bales

Nowadays, my stomach can't handle fried food the way it used to. It makes me sluggish and sleepy and sometimes it makes my chest hurt if I eat it too fast. Truth be told, IT BLOWS! I'm forced to get my kicks elsewhere, eating fried food only occasionally and in moderation. *SIGH* Life just isn't fair.

These low-carb breakfast taquitos might not taste much like the real thing, but they are delicious. And unlike other low-carb bunless options, this one's actually super easy to make. You can even eat it without a fork, like a REAL taquito, if you so choose.

Photo credit: Brandon Bales
Photo credit: Brandon Bales

When you're making your egg "tortillas" make sure to keep them relatively thin and spread to the edge of your pan. Using a lid helps them cook evenly and quickly, and helps the cheese melt into a surprisingly effective food glue. Stuff 'em with goodies (we chose sausage, avocado, and tomatoes) and roll 'em up tight. They may not have that golden crunch, but they do have protein, healthy fats, and a fresh burst of flavor that will make any good morning a great one.


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