Need a break? Play this game of solitaire. Really.

Stepping away from work or studying is a critical part of the productivity process. The rest helps you recharge your creativity and your ability to focus.

So, the next time you feel the urge to take a break by scrolling social media — a habit that can lead to anxiety and zap your ability to be productive — why not try something old that’s new again? Like, perhaps, your old favorite card game?

Whether you learned on a deck of cards or a big, bulky, desktop computer in the ‘90s, solitaire is a soothing, mostly stress-free card game that challenges the mind just enough while also being pretty perfectly mindless. Plus, when the game’s over, it’s over.

If you’ve never played, the rules are pretty simple. You can read up about them here.

You can play a game or two right here below. Let the sweet, soothing sounds of cards clicking take your mind off your worries for a little while.

We created this game with the team behind Solitaire Bliss.

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