How to Break the Pain Cycle of Persistent Injuries

How to Break the Pain Cycle of Persistent Injuries Chronic pain activates the amygdala and prefrontal cortex in the brain, two areas involved with emotional processing. In order to completely cure this type of pain, you need to heal the brain pathways, as well. Here are the best science-backed ways to manage pain with your mind, according to David Schechter, M.D., the author of Think Away Your Pain. The first step is realizing that your pain is coming from those obsolete nerve pathways, not the area that hurts. You can confirm that your injury has healed by getting an examination from a doctor. Keep reminding yourself: The pain is coming from a misdirected route in your brain, not your body. Avoiding activities like running and biking in fear of triggering symptoms can make the problem worse. To help the brain unlearn this fear, reintroduce the activities you've been avoiding. Stress and tension can make the pathways that cause chronic pain more sensitive. Dr. Schechter recommends journaling for 10-15 minutes a day about your stress, as well as what's making you feel grateful. Alleviating negative feelings and encouraging positive ones helps diminish pain.